Parents > Parents' Talk > Home-School Co-operation

Date Item organizer
16.09.2023 / 16.09.2023 Cultivating Multiple Intelligences: Using Psychology to Help Children to Develop Multiple Intelligences to Unleash Their Potential CHSC
01.09.2023 / 24.11.2023 2023/2024 Consumer Education - Secondary School Education Programme Consumer Council
01.09.2023 / 24.11.2023 Secondary School Education Programme Consumer Council
26.08.2023 Parent Talk on Caring Students' Mental Health and Psychological Well-being CHSC
--- Parent Programme on Learning and Developmental Needs of Children at Primary Level (5): Developing Empathy and Responsibility CHSC
28.07.2023 / 28.07.2023 Parent Programme on Learning and Developmental Needs of Children at Primary Level (4): Strength for Facing Adversity CHSC
21.07.2023 / 21.07.2023 Parent Programme on Learning and Developmental Needs of Children at Primary Level (3): Walking with Your Child's Emotions CHSC
15.07.2023 / 15.07.2023 Joyful Net Surfing with e-Generation’ Parent Seminar (5): Distinguishing the Authenticity of Internet Information and Making Wise Use of e-Reading Resources EDB
15.07.2023 / 22.07.2023 Dream Reading -「個性化圖書作家親子同行計劃」 Dream Reading
14.07.2023 / 14.07.2023 Parent Programme on Learning and Developmental Needs of Children at Primary Level (2): Effective Learning CHSC
07.07.2023 / 08.07.2023 The Annual Hotung Lecture 2023 and the Gifted Education Expo The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
30.06.2023 / 23.06.2023 Cultivating Positive Psychology: Using Psychology to Help Children to Develop Positive Psychology and Live a Happy Life CHSC
--- Parent Programme on Learning and Developmental Needs of Children at Primary Level
23.06.2023 / 23.06.2023 Parent Programme on Learning and Developmental Needs of Children at Primary Level (1): Parenting Skills That Matches Children's Growth CHSC
21.06.2023 / 31.08.2023 Campaign Department of Health
05.06.2023 / 24.06.2023 Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation - 「認識憲法、《基本法》- 與法治同行」系列比賽2023 Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation
03.06.2023 / 03.06.2023 ‘Joyful Net Surfing with e-Generation’ Parent Seminar (4): Beware of Internet Pitfalls and Practical Eye Care Tips for e-Learning CHSC
--- Parent-Teacher Association Executive Committee Member Training Programme (2022/23 s.y.) – Reference Materials CHSC
--- PTA Executive Committee Member Training Programme (2021/22 School Year) CHSC
17.07.2021 / 17.07.2021 Parent Talk on Caring Student Mental Health CHSC