Committee on Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) > CHSC Activities > What's New Overview

Date Item
06.04.2019 / 06.04.2019 Dream Reading Carnival
01.04.2019 / 30.04.2019 Joyful Fruit Month 2019
30.03.2019 / 30.03.2019 Parent Programme on Healthy Development of Children and Parent-child Communication - Session 4: Foster Children's Learning Ability and Make Learning More Enjoyable
25.03.2019 / 25.03.2019 Parent Programme on Healthy Development of Children and Parent-child Communication - Session 3: Cultivate Children's Attentiveness and Develop Their Potentials
23.03.2019 / 13.04.2019 VTC Parent Talk Series 2019
23.03.2019 / 23.03.2019 “Planning Ahead” Life Planning Exhibition cum Parent Talk for Parents of Non-Chinese Speaking Students
16.03.2019 / 13.04.2019 "Teaching Your Kids About Money" Parent-child Workshop
16.03.2019 / 24.03.2019 Financial Education for Child Educator
14.03.2019 / 14.03.2019 Parent Programme on Healthy Development of Children and Parent-child Communication - Session 2: Understand Children's Emotion and Behaviour
02.03.2019 / 02.03.2019 "Supporting Children on e-Learning" Parent Seminar (6): Enhance Learning Effectiveness Learn Correct Posture
02.03.2019 / 02.03.2019 Healthy School Forum: Healthy Life Planning in Adolescents
01.03.2019 / 31.03.2019 Hong Kong Money Month 2019 - Plan For Your Future: Act Now!
01.02.2019 / 18.05.2019 "Children's Dream" Story Ending Writing Competition (Registration begins on 1 Feb 2019)
19.01.2019 / 19.01.2019 "Supporting Children on e-Learning" Parent Seminar (5): Good Eye Health and Home-School Cooperation for e-Learning
20.12.2018 / 20.12.2018 "Supporting Children on e-Learning" Parent Seminar (4): Nurturing the App Generation
10.12.2018 / 10.12.2018 Parent Programme on Nurturing Happy Kids in Learning - Session 2 : Efficient Learning Starts with the Body and Mind
10.11.2018 Shatin District Secondary Schools Expo 2018
09.11.2018 / 14.12.2018 Parent-Teacher Association Executive Committee Member Training Programme (2018/2019 School Year)
20.10.2018 / 20.10.2018 'Supporting Children on e-Learning' - Parent Seminar (3): Healthy Use of the Internet Beware of the Traps
06.10.2018 / 06.10.2018 Dreaming Reading Launching Ceremony