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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 - Whom are the "Primary School Profiles" (the Profiles) targeted for?
Answer -

The Committee on Home-School Co-operation publishes the Profiles to provide reference materials for parents whose child is going to enroll in Primary One in September in the coming school year. Parents may refer to the Profiles as well as the information on "Primary One Admission" in order to have a good understanding of the schools' development. Schools are responsible to provide and update the information in the Profiles whenever necessary.

Q2 - Who is eligible to join the Primary One Admission 2025?
Answer -

To be eligible for participation in the Primary One Admission 2025, a child must:

  1. a. reach the age of 5 years and 8 months when he/she is enrolled in Primary One in September 2025. (i.e. born on or before 31 December 2019);

  2. b. be a Hong Kong resident;

  3. c. not be attending any primary schools;

  4. d. have never been allocated a Primary One place.

For details of the Primary One Admission 2025, please visit the Education Bureau homepage at

Q3 - What are Primary One Admission (POA) school nets? How do parents fill in the information of POA school nets while applying for the Primary One Admission?
Answer -

The Primary One Admission (POA) System is primarily net-based. The whole territory is divided into more than 30 POA school nets according to the broad geographical areas and distribution of government and aided primary schools. Parents are required to fill in the POA school net in the Application Form according to the child's only or principal place of residence, i.e. a dwelling place at which the applicant child resides and which constitutes his / her sole or main home. If applicant children intend to commute daily to schools in Hong Kong, their parents should leave blank the box "POA SCHOOL NET NO. OF HOME ADDRESS" in the top right-hand corner of the application form. For details on the POA school nets, please visit the webpage of School Places Allocation Section of the Education Bureau at

Q4 - How should parents choose a suitable school for their children?
Answer -

When choosing a primary school for your children, you should first identify your children's characteristics, personalities, abilities and interests, and then consider various factors such as the sponsoring body, history, location and religion of a school. Parents may also refer to the publications on Primary One Admission issued by the Education Bureau or visit the EDB homepage or websites of the schools for further information.

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