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S.K.H. St. Michael's Primary School
Eastern   POA : 14 
Address: 23 Fortress Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Phone:   25709473    Email:
Fax:   25034378    Website:
The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
Supervisor/ Chairman of Management Committee : Rev. Lam Chun Wai
School Head : Mr. Chan Yu Kwan
Incorporated Management Committee been established? : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers / Chairperson and Members of School Management Committee (SMC) of Government Schools Fulfilling the Training Targets : Not Applicable
School Type : Aided
Whole Day
Student Gender : Co-ed
Sponsoring Body : Anglican (Hong Kong) Primary Schools Council Limited
Religion : Protestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation : 1919
Area Occupied by the School : About 4500 Sq. M
Through-train Secondary School : -
Feeder Secondary School : -
Nominated Secondary School : -
Medium of Instruction : Chinese
School Bus Service : School Bus
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Past Students' Association/Alumni Association : Yes
2024/2025 Annual School Charges 2024/2025 Annual School Charges
School Fee : -
Tong Fai :


PTA Fee : $30
Approved Charges for non-standard items : $400
Other Charges : -
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 24
Number of School Hall(s) : 1
Number of Playground(s) : 1
Number of Library(ies) : 1
Special Rooms : Multi-purpose Area, Visual-art Room, 2 Music Rooms, 2 Computer Rooms, 2 Small-group Teaching Rooms, English Room, Conference Room, Eco Lab.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.
Others : -
Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2023/2024 school year Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2023/2024 school year
Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment : 49
Total number of teachers in the school : 54
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Had Received Teacher Training : 98%
Bachelor Degree : 98%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above : 37%
Special Education Training : 69%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years : 20%
5 - 9 years : 6%
10 years or above : 74%
Class Structure Class Structure
2023/24 school year
P1 Number of classes : 4
P2 Number of classes : 4
P3 Number of classes : 4
P4 Number of classes : 4
P5 Number of classes : 4
P6 Number of classes : 4
Total : 24
2024/25 school year (Based on the number of classes approved by EDB in 2024)
P1 Number of classes : 4
P2 Number of classes : 4
P3 Number of classes : 4
P4 Number of classes : 4
P5 Number of classes : 4
P6 Number of classes : 4
Total : 24
Mode of teaching at different levels
Small-class teaching in English and Mathematics is adopted in some classes from P4 to P6.
Performance Assessment Performance Assessment
Applicable to P1 only
Number of test(s) per year : 0
Number of exam(s) per year : 3
Replace tests and examinations with diversified assessments in the first term of P1 : No
Applicable to P2 to P6 only
Number of test(s) per year : 0
Number of exam(s) per year : 3
Applicable to P1 to P6
Draw up an appropriate school-based assignment policy, review it regularly and inform parents of related arrangements : Yes
Diversified Assessment for Learning : Other than the three annual summative assessments, students are formatively assessed in terms of generic skills, life skills, etc. We also adopt different modes of assessment (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment) suited to the purposes and processes of teaching and learning.
Streaming arrangement : P3 to P6 students are streamed according to the average academic score. Small-class teaching in English and Mathematics is also adopted in P4-P6. Students of these classes are placed according to the academic results of English Language and Mathematics.
School Life School Life
Number of school days per week : 5
Number of periods per day : 10
Duration of each normal period : 35
School starts at : 8:00 AM
School ends at : 3:00 PM
Lunch break : 12:00 - 1:00
Lunch arrangement : Provided by designated supplier and arranged by parents.
Healthy school life : The School is keen on promoting a healthy school life, through participating in Fruit Day, School Physical Fitness Award Schemd and sportACT Award Scheme, morning exercises and holding Sports Day, seminars about sports or health.
Remarks : -
Life-wide Learning Life-wide Learning
Scouts, Brownies, JPC, CYC, Fellowship Group, Athletic Team, Basketball, Badminton, Table tennis, Swimming, Taekwondo, Choir, Contemporary Dance, Western Orchestra, Percussion, Verse Speaking, Mathematics and General Studies Enhancement Classes, IT Club, English Explorer Club, Debate, Tello Talent, Campus TV, LiuQin, English Drama, ink painting, digital painting, Jelly Fish Programme, Fencing, Hydroponic Farming, AI programme, Generative Art, Wing Chung.
School Mission School Mission
School Vision
The School aspires to be an outstanding Christian school in Hong Kong providing quality education and whole-person development to students.
School Mission
Based upon the ethos of Christian whole-person education as propounded by the Anglican Church, the School shall nurture and develop students spanning the arenas of morality, intelligence, athletics, community spirit, aesthetics and spirituality. The School shall:
1. teach students to live out the motto "Not to be served but to serve";
2. develop students' spiritual awareness by learning the teaching of Christ;
3. build up a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares the students for life-long learning;
4. provide an orderly, harmonious, caring and supportive environment for the students' effective learning and joyous growth;
5. foster a cooperative spirit among teachers, students, parents and the community;
6. promote an atmosphere for continual development and improvement.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
School Management Organisation : Our school is a member of Anglican (Hong Kong) Primary Schools Council Ltd. The Incorporated Management Committee and the Principal supervise the school and offer immediate suggestions to the school.
Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee/ Management Committee : The IMC holds meetings to discuss and provide constructive ideas for school issues.
School Green Policy : 1. Adopt a whole school approach to promote environmental education.
2. Participate in "Green Prefect Programme" to promote teachers' and students' environmental awareness in school.
School's Major Concerns : 1.To cultivate student’s positive values and attitudes and create a harmonious school
2.To provide diverse learning experiences and improve students’ learning effectiveness
Learning and Teaching Plan
Learning & Teaching Strategies : To implement student-based learning strategies, all academic subjects focus teaching on learners' thinking and practising. Strategies such as inquiry-based approach learning, cooperative learning, project learning, immersion programme, e-Learning, service learning, cross key learning are adopted to let students think, discuss and explore, in conjunction with goals of encouraging students to learn diversively, to develop generic skills, thinking skills and the appropriate values and attitudes in every aspect developed.
Development of Major Renewed Emphases of the Primary Education Curriculum : 1. To take the Seven Learning Goals of Primary Education as our school's development goals
2. To encourage self-learning and to cater the diversity of learners by using the AI online learning platform.
3. To cater space of learning by using the multi-method teaching strategy which helps to promote a balanced physical and mental development and to develop a healthy lifestyle.
4. Arranging featured programs in different grades to promote value education, STEAM education and help nurture students' media and information literacy.
Development of Generic Skills : To enhance and consolidate students' generic skills through 13 Higher Order Thinking Skills, project learning, curriculum integration, cross key learning and life-wide learning.
Cultivation of Proper Values, Attitudes and Behaviours : Our Student Guidance Team implements comprehensive student guidance activities in aspects of student-centred approach, whole school approach and home-school co-operation approach. By conducting personal growth education lessons, the Team assists students to develop positive values which are beneficial for students' physical and mental growth. Our Moral and Civic Education Team cultivates students' moral and ethical values. Our National Security Education Team cultivates students a sense of belonging and national identity towards our country through national education and national security education. Both teams also help students to become a good citizen.
Student Support
Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : 1. We adopt a Whole School Approach to cater for student diversity;
2. Implement support programmes, such as Individual Education Plan, social skills training courses and reading and writing skills classes.
Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : 1. Intervention programmes and enhancement courses provided after school;
2. Adapt the curriculum, student learning activities, homework and assessment papers;
3. Provide "Early Identification and Intervention Programme for P.1 Students with Learning Difficulties";
4. School-based speech therapists and school-based educational psychologists offer professional services at school;
5. Establish a Student Support Team to coordinate student support work.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking(NCS) Students : Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students' learning of Chinese; arranging intensive Chinese learning and teaching mode(s), e.g. pull-out learning if necessary, split-class/group learning, etc; and organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school.
Curriculum Tailoring and Adaptation : To cater for learner diversity, the curriculum is flexibly adapted. Pull-out classes are set up for gifted students for more enrichment.
Home-school Co-operation and School Ethos
Home-School Co-operation : Our school's PTA is well organized, home-school co-operation was well established. PTA holds regular seminars, parent-child activities, etc. Parent volunteers are enthusiastic in offering help in various school activities and school work such as taking students' body temperature, taking care of students at lunch, participate school picnic, sports day, etc. PTA has built a good relationship with school and helps school to nurture students, so students can grow up healthily and happily.
School Ethos : 1. Good school ethos, the school continuously promotes the sense of positive culture and develops a school with positive atmosphere.
2. Students actively practice school motto "Not to be served but to serve". They are enthusiastic to serve others on various positions.
Future Development
School Development Plan : 1. Developing school-based curriculum and promoting reading and learning across the curriculum.
2. Implementing e-Learning; foster the effectiveness of learning and teaching.
3. Reinforcing value and life education, encouraging students to develop an attitude of being grateful and cherish, positive and optimistic.
4. Fostering positive education, encourage students to develop their potentials, build up self-confidence, enhance the sense of achievement.
Teacher Professional Training & Development : Holding seminars and workshops regularly according to the School's major concerns. Implementing collaborative meetings and peer observation, continuously optimizing teachers' professional knowledge and techniques.
Others : -
School Map School Map
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    School Information.
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    School Information.
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    School Information.

Last revision date:04 November 2024

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