Pilot Project Recognition Ceremony cum Sharing Forum

Committee on Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) > CHSC Activities > What's New Overview Pilot Project Recognition Ceremony cum Sharing Forum

For the working population, the workplace is not only where most of the time is spent but one which directly influences physical, mental and social well-being to impact on family and the community. As there are more than three million people in the workforce, the workplace offers an ideal setting to engage people in healthy lifestyles.

In response to the Strategic Framework for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (NCD) and an anticipated rising trend of NCD in Hong Kong, the Department of Health launched the " Pilot Project" in2010 with favourable outcome. The Pilot Project calls on employers and employees to join hands to create a working environment that supports, guides, motivates and encourages everyone to live in better health. The Department of Health is going to launch “ Pilot Project Recognition Ceremony cum Sharing Forum”,

Date : 18 May 2012(Friday)
Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Venue: Langham Place Ballroom, 7/F, Langham Place Hotel Hong Kong, 555 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Objectives: To give recognition to pilot organisations which have taken part and contributed in significant ways; to facilitate experience sharing through talks, presentations and poster display; and to kick start the next phase of workforce health promotion.
Target audience: Business corporations, pilot organisations, companies interested in participating in the Project and health promotion partners.

Should you wish to participate the captioned Recognition Ceremony cum Sharing Forum or need more information, please contact Ms. Emma Xu at 2110 2125 or email

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