Seminar on “Media & Information Literacy in the 21st Century”

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Seminar on “Media & Information Literacy in the 21st Century”

Theme Speaker Year

1. UNESCO’s MIL Project

Mr. Andrea CAIROLA

Adviser for Communication and Information

UNESCO Office Beijing


2. Dealing with the Social Media

Dr. Donna CHU

Assistant Professor

School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3. Net Users and the New Developments of the Internet

Mr. Alfred TSOI

Chief Executive Officer

JDB Holdings Limited

4. Video Production and Prosumers

Ms. Joanna LEUNG

Part-time Lecturer

Department of Journalism and Communication, Shue Yan University

5. The Integration of Media Literacy and Information Technology

Ms. TSANG Siu-sing, Janus

Deputy Headteacher

Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School

6. The Electronic Parent-Child Relationship

Dr LI Sau-hung, Eddy, BBS, JP

Member of Family Council

7. Learning and Teaching with Public Libraries' e-Resources

Ms CHIU Tap Hung

Senior Librarian, Hong Kong Central Library

8. Museum Education in Information Age

Mr CHAN Ki-hung

Curator (Space), Hong Kong Space Museum

9. MIL in Hong Kong

Dr. Alice LEE

Associate Professor

Department of Journalism, Hong Kong Baptist University


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