The 30th “Parents-Also-Appreciate-Teachers” Drive Winners of Competition on E-card Design of “Appreciation Cards for Teachers” (Secondary)

Committee on Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) > CHSC Activities > What's New Overview

The 30th “Parents-Also-Appreciate-Teachers” Drive Winners of Competition on E-card Design of “Appreciation Cards for Teachers” (Secondary)

Kindergarten Category | Primary Category | Secondary Category

Click here to send your favourite winning pieces to the teachers you respect!




Work: 師恩永記
Parent: 李周蘭
Student: 葉潔芯
School: CCC Rotary Secondary School


1st Runner-up

Work: 春風伴我行
Parent: 鄧銀愛
Student: 崔柏瑜
School: CCC Rotary Secondary School

1st Runner-up

2nd Runner-up

Work: 尊師重道
Parent: 崔紹明
Student: 崔綺珊
School: Pui Tak Canossian College

2nd Runner-up


Work: 家長也敬師
Parent: 周德華
School: San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School

Merit Prize


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