The 10th "Parents Also Appreciate Teachers Drive" Recognition Ceremony

Committee on Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) > Past Large Events > PAAT Drive

The 10th "Parents Also Appreciate Teachers Drive" Recognition Ceremony

The following programme was conducted in Chinese. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Time Item      
3:00 Dragon Dance
(Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School)
Mr. YU Wing-fai, Mr. DIK Chi-yuen, JP,
Mr. Albert AU, Ms Anna HUI,
Mr. K.S. LEE, Ms. YIP Ling-bik
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3:15 A tribute to the teachers The joint choir of FPTAs & PA 網上重溫 網上重溫
3:25 Welcoming Speech Mr. YU Wing-fai 網上重溫 網上重溫
3:30 Words of Encouragement Mr. DIK Chi-yuen, JP 網上重溫 網上重溫
3:35 Parent's mind Ms Anna HUI 網上重溫 網上重溫
3:45 Performance by special guest Mr. Albert AU 網上重溫 網上重溫
4:00 Presentation of souvenirs to Ms Anna HUI, Mr. Albert AU, the St. John Ambulance & Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School Mr. DIK Chi-yuen, JP 網上重溫 網上重溫
4:00 Presentation of prizes to the top 10 schools which got many teacher cards sent by parents Mr. DIK Chi-yuen, JP (KG)
Ms Y.L. CHENG (Pri)
Ms P.C. WAN (Sec)
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Presentation of souvenir to Guest-of-Honour
Mr. YU Wing-fai 網上重溫 網上重溫
Presentation of prizes to winners of e-card competition
Mr. K.S. LEE
Ms YIP Ling-bik
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5:00 Performance by the Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations(FPTA) & Parent Association (PA) HK Eastern FPTA (Tai-chi)
Northern FPTA (Thank you ,teachers!)
Tseung Kwan O PA (Parent/Child Drama)
Tuen Mun FPTA (I love my children & respect the teachers)
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5:25 Vote of Thanks Mr. YU Wing-fai 網上重溫 網上重溫
5:30 Ending Group Photo 網上重溫 網上重溫

MC: Mr. L.F. LEE


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