SSP 2023/2024
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School Information.
Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College
Address: Shek Wai Kok Estate Tsuen Wan
Phone:   24983331    Email:
Fax:   24995136    Website:

School Mission

Aligned with the education policy of Po Leung Kuk, we strive for students' excellence in the areas of intellectual, moral, physical, social and aesthetic development. We endeavor to promote the growth of whole person development so as to enable students to become responsible citizens and make a positive contribution to the community. An array of learning opportunities is provided to help students develop their learning skills and potential.

The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
District : Tsuen Wan
Other District(s) :
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management Committee : Mrs. Winnie W. L. Chan
Principal (with qualifications / experiences) : Mr. Wan Ka Fai (B.A., PGDE, M.A., M.Ed.)
School Type : Aided
Student Gender : Co-ed
Area Occupied by the School : About 6950 Sq. M
Name of Sponsoring Body : Po Leung Kuk
Incorporated Management Committee : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers Fulfilling the Training Targets : 100%
Religion : Not Applicable
Year of Commencement of Operation : 1982
School Motto : Love, Respect, Diligence, Honesty
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Student Union / Association : Yes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni Association : Yes
Chargeable Fees (2023/2024) Chargeable Fees (2023/2024)
  School Fee ($) Tong Fai ($)  
S1 - -  
S2 - -  
S3 - -  
S4 - $290  
S5 - $290  
S6 - $290  
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) ($) $20  
Student Union / Association Fee ($) -  
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual)($) $100 (S.1-S.6)  
Other Charges / Fees ($) -  
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 28
School Facilities : Harvest Garden, See Chai Activity Room, Immersive CAVE and VR Peripherals, Campus TV Studio, 2 Computer Rooms, MMLC, English Corner, Library, Innovation Chamber, Function Room, Hall, 4 Standard Laboratories, Volleyball Court, Handball Court and Basketball Court. Fibre-optic cable, computers, projectors and visualizers are equipped in all classrooms.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Accessible lift.
Teaching Staff Information (including School Head) in the 2023/2024 School Year Teaching Staff Information (including School Head) in the 2023/2024 School Year
Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment : 59
Total Number of Teachers in the School : 59
Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of teaching staff (%)
Teacher's Certificate / Diploma in Education : 98%
Bachelor Degree : 98%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above : 46%
Special Education Training : 39%
Years of Experience : Percentage of teaching staff (%)
0-4 years : 17%
5-9 years : 10%
10 years or above : 73%
2023/2024 Class Structure 2023/2024 Class Structure
    Number of classes
S1 : 4
S2 : 4
S3 : 4
S4 : 4
S5 : 4
S6 : 4
Subjects Offered Subjects Offered
Subjects Offered in the 2023/2024 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction : Chinese Language, Putonghua, Mathematics*, Chinese History, Computer Literacy, Life & Society*, Geography*, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Home Economics*, Design & Technology, Whole Person Education; History (S.1-S.2)*, Science (S.1-S.2)*, Music (S.1-S.2)*, Reading (S.1-S.2)*; S.3: Science (Physics*, Chemistry*, Biology*)*, S.3: Life & Society (Economics)*
English as the medium of instruction : English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum : Computer Literacy (S.1-S.2) ; Reading (S.1-S.2)
Subjects Offered in the 2023/2024 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics (Compulsory Part and Extended Part: Module 1), Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Economics, Geography, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Whole Person Education; Language Across the Curriculum, Careers & Life Planning Education, Other Learning Experiences (S.4)
English as the medium of instruction : English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum : Language Across the Curriculum & Careers & Life Planning Education
Subjects to be Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction : Chinese Language, Putonghua, Mathematics*, Chinese History, Computer Literacy, Geography*, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Home Economics*, Design & Technology, Whole Person Education; Citizenship, Economics and Society (S.1)*, Life & Society (S.2-S.3)*, S.3: Life & Society (Economics)*, History (S.1-S.2)*, Reading (S.1-S.2)*; Music (S.1-S.2)*, Science (S.1-S.2)*, S.3: Science (Physics*, Chemistry*, Biology*)
English as the medium of instruction : English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum : Computer Literacy (S.1-S.2); Reading (S.1-S.2)
Subjects to be Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics (Compulsory Part and Extended Part: Module 1), Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Economics, Geography, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Whole Person Education; Language Across the Curriculum, Careers & Life Planning Education, Other Learning Experiences (S.4)
English as the medium of instruction : English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum : Language Across the Curriculum& Careers Education

*Subjects with extended learning activities (ELA) in English

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life
Secondary One Admission : Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2024 ).1. Rank order provided by the EDB and academic results in primary school: 40%; 2. Conduct and remarks: 15%; 3. Activities & awards: 15%; 4. Interview performance: 30% Interviews will be conducted individually in Chinese and English focusing on communication skills, manner and basic competence.
Orientation Activities and Healthy Life : The first year of secondary school is highly important for both S.1 students and their parents. There is a series of orientation activities starting from July to prepare students and parents for challenges in the new academic year at secondary school. S.1 Summer program includes the following:
1. S.1 Parents’ Day
2. Class Activities in summer
3. Bridging Classes
4. Positive Education: Character Strengths
5. Mindfulness, etc.
We are concerned about the growth and development of every student. A health survey is conducted and updated every year to collect the latest information about our students. Workshops and talks on personal and public health, sex education and drug education and mental health are provided regularly to assist students to understand these important issues. We have joined Healthy School Programme so that our students can take part in various activities that are beneficial to their physical and mental health.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
(1)School's Major Concerns : 1. Uplifting students’ language abilities and competencies and strengthening students’ learning efficacy for maximizing opportunities of exploring students’ potential capabilities of learning in different disciplines in academics to achieve a sense of accomplishment.
2. Implanting value education among students for upholding and developing positive values and attitudes in life, building up a healthy lifestyle with a clear vision of their future life development and enhancing their sense of blessing and fortune.
(2) School Management Organisation : The operation of our school is supervised and monitored by the Administrative Committee, which consists of the principal and vice-principals and chair-persons of major committees. The committee is responsible for the planning and decision-making of academic development, pastoral care, students’ activities and resources management. The School Improvement Team sets a clear focus on the betterment of school self-evaluation and future development.
(3) Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee : The Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) was established on 1st September, 2012. It is comprised of representatives from the sponsoring body (Po Leung Kuk), the principal, teachers, parents and alumni representatives and independent professionals. Through the participations of different stakeholders in school management, it is hoped to establish effective channels of communication among different parties and to facilitate the smooth running of the school.
(4) School Green Policy : The concepts of energy-saving and sustainable development have been promoted in school. A team of environmental protection ambassadors is formed to promote the concept of sustainable development by organizing activities, such as waste recycling scheme. Furthermore, the “Harvest Garden” in the school campus has been established. Students have been gaining knowledge and experiences on organic farming, tree preservation, ecosystem and sustainable development. In recent years, we have been actively promoting sustainable development in the community too. Our school, students and the public join hands to make our future greener.
Learning and Teaching Plan
(1) Whole-school Language Policy : Our school values the importance of developing students’ proficiency in both English and Chinese languages in an integrated approach. In order to fulfill such mission, the creation of an English rich environment through diverse language learning activities both inside and outside the classroom contexts is a must-to-do duty. Our school also provides different learning platforms for our students to explore their potentials and showcase their individual talents. For example, the English Ambassadors are charged with the formidable tasks of organizing and coordinating student-oriented activities for arousing their peers' willingness in using English. We adopt a fine-tune policy on English learning in junior forms. In relation to it, English is used as the medium of instruction in some subjects in order to cater for learning needs. All subject heads of other subjects work hand in hand strenuously to introduce English vocabulary and reading texts to increase students’ exposure to English and consolidate their foundation of using English on a knowledge-based basis. Besides, we employ various measures to develop and enhance students’ language proficiency levels in Chinese and Putonghua for enabling them to equip themselves with a higher level of language proficiency in these languages for further studies and career development.
(2) Learning and Teaching Strategies : Students’ learning needs are always of our utmost concern. To cater for learner’s diversity and learning styles, our school has adopted different strategies at the school and subject level so that all students can move forward according to their learning continuum. Small-class teaching is adopted in some forms of core subjects for enhancing students’ classroom engagement and thus learning effectiveness. Remedial and gifted enrichment classes for students are organized after school for mixed abilities. Besides, cross subject collaboration facilitates the integration of learning elements, such as Language across Curriculums, cross curricular reading for developing students’ integrated knowledge and skills. Subject panels collaborate and organize cross-subject learning activities, with the aim of enhancing learning efficacy. Different strategies adopted in classrooms to address students varied abilities and needs, such as varying questions, flexible grouping and setting different requirements in the assignments for them. Furthermore, STEAM education and e-Learning are always on the top priorities.
(3) School-based curriculum : 1. Electives: 3X. A total of 9 subjects are offered.
2. Curriculum highlights: A broad and balanced curriculum is introduced in junior forms, with the aim of preparing students for the future challenges. Whole Person Education, a school-based curriculum, is introduced in all forms. The objectives include broadening students' horizons, nurturing positive, moral and civic values. Last but not least, "mindfulness" curriculum is also introduced to develop positive values among students.
(4) Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum : 1. Our school adopts the whole school approach to promote value education. We have integrated the elements of value education into subject curriculum and activities to develop students' sense of national identity and global consciousness.
2. To further promote reading atmosphere, morning reading lesson and class reading corner are set up this year. Furthermore, with the addition of the Language across the Curriculum in senior forms, students could eventually integrate knowledge from different disciplines and construct their humanistic qualities.
3. Gifted education committee is formed to implement the pull-out gifted curriculum and elite enrichment program to facilitate the development of students’ potential of multiple intelligences.
4. STEAM Room is launched this year to enhance the “STEAM for ALL” education. Through the cross-disciplinary collaboration, students could integrate and apply the knowledge and skills to solve authentic problems.
(5) Life Planning Education : Based on students’ needs, our whole school approach to life planning education focuses on many life planning activities to help students understand themselves and career prospects. It is expected that they would set up goals for their future. We also provide student counselling services to help them realize their full potential accordingly. In order to enhance our life planning education, we fully utilize the subsidies from the support of Po Leung Kuk and the assistance from other organizations. Our students are able to get the latest information under the guidance of our professional teachers.
Student Support
(1) Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : We cater for the learning diversity by providing enrichment classes for students of different learning pace. Worksheets of different levels of difficulties are designed and small-class teaching is adopted in core subjects. Besides, different strategies adopted in classrooms to address students varied abilities, such as varying questions, flexible grouping and special assessment accommodations. Furthermore, self-assessing learning (SAL) classes for the core subjects in senior forms are organized to help enhancing their academic efficiency.
(2) Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : The Student Support Team (SST) is composed of our vice principals, heads of different functional groups, social workers, Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Special Educational Needs Support Teachers, educational psychologist and speech therapist to cater for the students with Special Educational Needs. Our school puts emphasis on the overall learning abilities of our students. To cater for the learner diversity, group-based strategies are used. The scheme of ‘Read and Write’ is integrated in our Junior Form Chinese Language curriculum. Meanwhile, after-school extra Chinese and English classes are provided for students with SEN. Our school also makes use of the Learning Support Grant to purchase services and programmes from NGOs like Clinical Psychological Services, Speech Therapy, Problem-solving Class, Social Class, Art Counselling and Integrated Programmes.
(3) Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students : Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students’ learning of Chinese; and organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school.
(4) Measures to provide adaptation for learning and assessment : There are three semesters in an academic year. Summative assessment is arranged at the end of each semester to get informed of the learning progress of the students while continuous assessment is conducted in the forms of homework, classwork, projects and presentations throughout each semester.
Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos
(1) Home-School Co-operation : Home-school cooperation is strengthened by our efficient and devoted Parent-Teacher Association which was established in 1998. A great variety of activities have been jointly organised by the school regularly, notably including parenting talks, DIY workshops, mindfulness workshops, etc.
(2) School Ethos : The school aspires to create an ideal learning environment for students. Dual emphasis on positive education has enabled students to study in a caring and supportive environment which facilitates their personal growth. "Form One Growing-up Scheme", " Gratefulness Week”, life education activities and other precautionary programmes are organized to facilitate the personal development of students. Moreover, the latest information on careers and studies are provided for students to have better life planning.
Future Development
(1) School Development Plan : Uplifting our language abilities and competencies and strengthening learning efficacy for maximizing opportunities of exploring potential capabilities of learning in different disciplines in academics to achieve a sense of accomplishment.
Upholding and developing positive values and attitudes in life, building up a healthy lifestyle with a clear vision of our future life development and enhancing our sense of blessing and fortune.
(2) Teacher Professional Training and Development : The Professional Development Committee is devoted to uplifting the professionalism of our staff. Teachers are encouraged to attend seminars, workshops and training courses which align with their needs at different stages of professional growth. Training sessions and updated information are offered and provided, with reference to the Professional Ladder for Teachers, "T-standard+" and our major themes for school development plan "Proactive in learning, Explore individual potential, Positive values and Healthy Lifestyles", for teacher professional development.
Life-wide Learning (including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be provided through Key Learning Areas, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, etc.) : Student Union
School Houses
1. Modesty 2. Diligence 3. Honesty 4. Faith
Academic Societies
1. Chinese 2. English 3. Mathematics 4. Science 5. Social Science
Uniform and Social Service Groups
1. Scout 2. Girl Guides 3. Red Cross 4. JPC / CYC 5. AYP 6. Social Service Team
Arts and Culture
1. Musical Instrument Classes 2. Art Club 3. Dance 4. Drama Club 5. Chorus 6. Percussion
Sports Activities
1. Athletics 2. Swimming 3. Basketball 4. Volley ball 5. Table Tennis 6. Badminton 7. Soccer 8. Handball 9. Cross Country Running 10. Indoor Rowing
Interest Groups
1. Christian Fellowship 2. Bridge & Chess 3. Photography Club 4. Home Economics Club 5. Chinese History Club 6. Sustainable Development Club 7. Campus TV 8. Hiking
Others : In recognition of students’ outstanding academic results, remarkable ECA, service performance and exemplary conduct, we present a wide range of internal and external prizes every year. External awards include 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes, Tsuen Wan Rural Committee Scholarships and Youth Arch Foundation Improvement Awards. We also have a number of Po Leung Kuk Scholarships, not to mention various internal awards for the outstanding students in highly-valued aspects. Our students have won numerous academic, arts and sports awards. For details, please visit our school website:
Direct public transportation to School : Bus: 32M, 43X, 32B, 32;
MTR: Tsuen Wan Station and Tai Wo Hau Station;
Mini Bus: 81, 81M, 82, 82M, 94, 312.
Remarks : -
School Map School Map
  • School Building
    School Building
  • Leung Ka Hin won the award of merit in the Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi District Outstanding Students Award
    Leung Ka Hin won the award of merit in the Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi District Outstanding Students Award
  • Our school handball team becomes the champion in All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Tournaments.
    Our school handball team becomes the champion in All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Tournaments.
  • School Life Video
    School Life Video

Last revision date: 5/12/2023