SSP 2024/2025
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 - Who are target readers of the "Secondary School Profiles" (the Profiles)? When will the school information be collected?

Answer -

The Profiles aim at providing school information for Primary Six parents whose children are going to participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) System. In order to choose a secondary school that suits their children, parents may make reference to the school information in the Profiles for application of discretionary places in January and for choice-making in Central Allocation (CA) from early April to early May each year.
Information in the Profiles is provided and checked by schools with reference to their situations as at September of the school year. Schools may update the web version of the Profiles after mid-December.
As for details on the SSPA System, please refer to the Education Bureau (EDB) homepage below:

Q2 - How are the secondary school nets demarcated?

Answer -

In line with the administrative districts, the whole territory is divided into 18 secondary school nets for the allocation of school places as CA in Part B is done by school net. According to the existing policy, the secondary school net to which a student belongs is determined by the physical location of the primary school he/she attends.

Q3 - How are the Secondary One (S1) places assigned in each school net?

Answer -

Provision of public sector secondary school places is planned on a territory-wide basis. Given that the demand and supply of school places in individual districts may have year-on-year changes, it is an established practice for EDB to arrange, in consultation with the SSPA Committee, the netting of S1 places among school nets under the Restricted School Choices at the CA stage. Factors taken into consideration include the demand and supply of school places in each district, the distribution of school types, the locations of schools and the availability and accessibility of transportation means. This is to ensure adequate supply of school places and school choices for parents. In other words, each school net not only comprises participating secondary schools physically located in the district, but also a number of secondary schools in other districts. The number of secondary schools and school places provided from other districts may vary from year to year according to the demand and supply situation.