SSP 2024/2025
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School Information.
Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College
Address: 18 Tin Pak Road, Tin Shui Wai NT
Phone:   24457171    Email:
Fax:   26171038    Website:

School Mission

Based on the education principle of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, our school motto is "To illumine wisdom and manifest compassion". The school aims to help our students acquire wisdom and nurture compassion in their hearts.

The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
District : Yuen Long
Other District(s) : North
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management Committee : VEN SIK YIN CHI
Principal (with Qualifications / Experiences) : Mr. Liu Man Lee (B.Eng, M.Phil Computer Science, M.Ed)
School Type : Aided
Student Gender : Co-ed
Area Occupied by the School : About 6700 Sq. M
Name of Sponsoring Body : The Hong Kong Buddhist Association
Incorporated Management Committee : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers / Chairperson and Members of School Management Committee (SMC) of Government Schools Fulfilling the Training Targets : 50%
Religion : Buddhism
Year of Commencement of Operation : 1998
School Motto : To illumine wisdom and manifest compassion
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Student Union / Association : Yes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni Association : No
Chargeable Fees (2024/2025) Chargeable Fees (2024/2025)
  School Fee ($) Tong Fai ($)  
S1 - -  
S2 - -  
S3 - -  
S4 - $340  
S5 - $340  
S6 - $340  
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) ($) 50  
Student Union / Association Fee ($) -  
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual)($) $250  
Other Charges / Fees ($) -  
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 26
School Facilities : Teaching Guidance Room, Student Activity Center, Parent-Teacher Association's Resource Center, Jing Yuen (The Zen Garden), Music Café, Meditation Room, two Computer Rooms, three Self-study Rooms, Campus TV Production Room, Fitness Room, Students' Union Room, English Learning Center, Chinese Corner, Mathematics Interactive Learning Room, two Social Worker Rooms, Uniformed Groups Room and Rotable Clamshell LED Display Wall at School Hall. Also, Dream of STEAM (empowered by Huawei) will commence operation in May, 2025. Every classroom is equipped with an interactive panel, a digital blackboard, a computer, a projector, stereo equipment, air-conditioners and individual lockers for students.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.
Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year
Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment : 63
Total Number of Teachers in the School : 72
Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
Had Received Teacher Training : 88%
Bachelor Degree : 99%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above : 58%
Special Education Training : 43%
Years of Experience : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
0-4 Years : 25%
5-9 Years : 12%
10 Years or above : 63%
2024/2025 Class Structure 2024/2025 Class Structure
    Number of Classes
S1 : 4
S2 : 4
S3 : 4
S4 : 4
S5 : 5
S6 : 4
Subjects Offered Subjects Offered
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics, Integrated Humanities (Citizenship, Economics and Society, History and Geography)*, Integrated Science*, Home Economics*, Physical Education, Chinese History, Visual Arts, Music, Buddhist Studies, Putonghua, Information and Communication Technology & STEAM
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part Module Two, Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Economics, Ethics and Religious Studies, Geography, Tourism & Hospitality Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Visual Arts, Buddhist Studies, Physical Education
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics, Integrated Humanities (Citizenship, Economics and Society, History and Geography)*, Home Economics*, Physical Education, Chinese History, Visual Arts, Music, Buddhist Studies, Putonghua, Information and Communication Technology & STEAM
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part Module Two, Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Economics, Ethics and Religious Studies, Geography, Tourism & Hospitality Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Visual Arts, Buddhist Studies, Physical Education
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -

*Subjects with Extended Learning Activities (ELA) in English

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life
Secondary One Admission : Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2025 ).1. Position in the Rank Order List provided by the EDB: 30%; 2. Academic Results: 20%; 3. Conduct and Attitudes: 20%; 4. Interview Performance: 20%; 5. Extra-curricular Activities and Awards: 10%.
Orientation Activities and Healthy Life : The school organises a Secondary One Adaptation Course in July and August. The aim is to help our new Secondary One students prepare for their studies in their first year at school. The school also organises a wide range of activities, with themes like life education, Mindfulness and sex education every year. These activities help students acquire necessary information to enable them to live healthy lives and meet the challenges in their school life.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
(1)School's Major Concerns : 1. To cater for learner diversity and optimize differentiated instruction.
2. To unleash students’ potential, optimize gifted education and provide students with a stage to showcase their talents.
3. To safeguard students’ mental health and sustain our school’s life and values education.
(2) School Management Organisation : School-based Management has been implemented. The Incorporated Management Committee formulates the school's direction of development and policies, and is responsible for supervising and managing the running of the school. The domains of Learning and Teaching, Student Growth and School Administration are led by the Principal. Under the different divisions, there are multiple functional groups which are responsible for implementing the school policies.
(3) Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee : The school has established an incorporated management committee.
(4) School Green Policy : The school not only implements paper recycling, but also encourages energy saving by using electrical appliances with Grade 1 energy label and energy saving lights.
Learning and Teaching Plan
(1) Whole-school Language Policy : To enable our students to be biliterate and trilingual is our language policy. An English-rich environment is built through the implementation of English Thursday and English Immersion Programme which are the whole year programmes. The use of the language is promoted through the English Learning Centre, together with signs, notices, announcements and Campus TV broadcast all in English at school. Different English learning activities are organised at appropriate times all the year round to help improve students' language ability and allow them to have a better understanding of the English culture. The fine-tuned medium of instruction arrangements has been implemented. Extended learning activities in English are conducted in some of the subjects taught in S.1 to S.3 classes.
(2) Learning and Teaching Strategies : Catering for learner diversity is the basic principle in the design of our student-centred curricula. Our main foci in junior forms are on Information Technology and extensive reading, and making our students biliterate and trilingual. In Chinese and English, differentiation is adopted, so students in junior forms are put into several groups from every four classes to enable more effective learning and teaching. To boost teacher-student and student-student interaction, an information-technology based interactive learning and teaching mode is employed in senior forms. Supplementary lessons, tests and mock examinations are arranged after school to help prepare students for the public examination. To meet the need of the secondary curriculum, very clear and specific working plans, and learning-teaching strategies are devised. The Curriculum Development Committee helps every subject devise long-term policies for their curriculum.
(3) School-based Curriculum : 1. Electives: 2X. Students can choose Mathematics Extended Part (M2) or Applied Learning (Vocational English) as the additional elective subject. The school offers sufficient elective subjects and subject combinations for students according to their wishes and choices.
2. Curriculum highlights: The school provides a diversified curriculum for senior secondary students. Secondary Four students choose two elective subjects according to their interests and abilities. Students are allowed to replace one of the elective subjects with an Applied Learning subject when they are in Secondary Five.
(4) Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum : The school's Moral and Civic Education section focuses on providing an all-round education and helps students to develop positive values and attitudes through seven learning experiences: morning assemblies, life education, weekly assemblies, values education, national identity education activities, charity activities, and uniformed groups. Different types of reading activities are organised to encourage self-learning, interacting and sharing to help improve students' knowledge of the world and construct a good reading atmosphere. The school strives to promote the use of information technology to teach students how to use different information technology tools appropriately through diversified information technology learning activities, experiential learning activities and a project-based learning programme. This strengthens interaction between teachers and students and among students themselves to uplift learning and teaching efficiency and effectiveness.
(5) Life Planning Education : In order to offer our students a better career and life planning education and career guidance, our school has taken part in various educational activities, including the “Greater Bay Area Career Exploration Tours” Programme, local soy sauce factory visit and tertiary institution visits. Our school has also joined different programmes, including Project WeCan and the career planning activities in collaboration with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Student Support
(1) Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : There is a homework guidance lesson in all Secondary One classes in which students finish doing their homework and consolidate what they have learned with the help and guidance of teachers. In junior forms, students are put into groups, and differentiated instruction is adopted in Chinese, English and Mathematics to help cater for learner diversity. The Gifted Education Team has been established to identify students with potential in order to provide them with a wide variety of learning experiences and develop their multiple competences. The team helps the gifted students to build higher self-expectations, hoping that they fight for their own vision and social well-being.
(2) Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : The school adopts a whole-school approach to the implementation of integrated education. Through the Student Support Committee, the school provides appropriate and diversified support services to improve students’ learning effectiveness and communication skills so as to help them integrate into their campus life. The school attaches great importance to home-school cooperation, and lets parents understand their children’s learning at school through various channels so that the school and parents can support students’ learning and growth with joint efforts.
(3) Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students : Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: providing after-school support programmes in learning Chinese; appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students’ learning of Chinese; arranging intensive Chinese learning and teaching mode(s), e.g. pull-out learning if necessary, split-class/group learning, etc.; developing school-based Chinese Language curriculum and/or adapting learning and teaching materials; and organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school.
(4) Measures to Provide Adaptation for Learning and Assessment : Students' performance in different aspects is assessed under the principles of assessment for learning as well as assessment of learning. By using real-time, continuous and formative assessment strategies and providing immediate feedback, student learning is effectively facilitated and enhanced. Students' learning difficulties are identified with the help of the school-based test and examination data collected. Learning and teaching strategies are then appropriately adjusted to allow students of different abilities to strive for excellence.
Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos
(1) Home-School Co-operation : To enhance home-school cooperation, the Parent-Teacher Association holds meetings and organises different parent-child activities regularly, such as parent-child mooncake workshops, Caring and Warmth Giving knitting classes, parent-child culinary competitions, parent-child picnics, parent education talks and a Secondary One orientation day for parents. Parents’ participation is encouraged through Parents' Days and various parent-child activities to help build a better learning environment.
(2) School Ethos : In order to provide holistic care to students, there are three class teachers in each of the Secondary One classes while there are two in each of the other classes. Based on the Mau Fung Student Development Framework, every subject and section in school provides support in every aspect to help the development and growth of our students, to foster their good characters and leadership skills. This will pave the way for them to pursue their goals and become brilliant Maufungers.
Future Development
(1) School Development Plan : 1. To cater for learner diversity and optimize differentiated instruction.
2. To unleash students’ potential, optimize gifted education and provide students with a stage to showcase their talents.
3. To safeguard students’ mental health and sustain our school’s life and values education.
(2) Teacher Professional Training and Development : The school is dedicated to enhancing the development of teachers’ professionalism. Apart from taking part in the Education Bureau's seed project and school-based support scheme, we also participate in various cooperative projects and programmes with tertiary institutes and business sectors. Our colleagues are always invited to share their school-based experience in seminars organised by various tertiary institutes and the Education Bureau. In order to implement the school development plan and address the major concerns of the years, the school is devoted to promoting and facilitating activities that help with the development of teachers' professionalism.
Life-wide Learning (Including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be Provided through Key Learning Areas, Extra-curricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities, etc.) : Co-curricular activities are divided into different categories: interests, physical training, uniformed groups, art, service, life planning and academic. There are different clubs and teams such as Brass Band, Cantonese Opera Troupe, Volleyball Team, Drama Club, Athletic Team, Volunteer Group and Red Cross. In addition, the school has implemented the programme: 'One Life, One Sport, One Art' in Secondary One and Secondary Two to develop students' interests and potential for sports and art.
Others : Our students achieved excellent results in the Infomatrix 2024 World Finals which was held in Bucharest, Romania. It is a large-scale international ICT competition for school students. This year's finals attracted over 160 teams from 16 countries and regions worldwide. Among the many teams, our school's team won the Gold Medal and Silver Medal. Moreover, collaborating with The UNESCO Hong Kong Association Glocal Peace Centre, the school has been recognised as a Peace School and selected as one of the remarkable examples of good practice through a series of activities held by "Pet Pet Buddy" and "BMF & WDA Elder Academy". It is hoped that young people can nurture positive values for peacebuilding and the spirit of global citizenship can be promoted.
Direct Public Transportation to School : West Rail: Tin Shui Wai Station;
LRT: 705,751 (Tin Wu Station);
KCR feeder bus: K73, K74;
Kowloon Motor Bus: 63X, 276, 276B, 276P;
Cross-border shuttle bus: B1, B2P.
Remarks : The school offers activities including uniformed groups, Applied Learning, integrated activities, service learning, co-curricular activities, 'One Life, One Sport, One Art', assembly activities, and Life Planning Education.
School Map School Map
  • School Campus of Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College
    School Campus of Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College
  • Our school students shines in the Infomatrix 2024 World Finals. They won the global Gold Medal in this international competition.
    Our school students shines in the Infomatrix 2024 World Finals. They won the global Gold Medal in this international competition.
  • Our school attaches much importance to enhancing students' potential and whole-person development.
    Our school attaches much importance to enhancing students' potential and whole-person development.
  •  Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College School Profile
    Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College School Profile

Last revision date: 5/12/2024