SSP 2024/2025
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School Information.
PLK Mrs. Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College
Address: Fu Tung Estate Tung Chung Lantau Island
Phone:   21091133    Email:
Fax:   21091118    Website:

School Mission

Our school strives to uphold Po Leung Kuk's noble tradition of educating young people by fostering their "Cognitive, Aesthetic, Social, Physical and Moral development". We cultivate students' interests and develop their potential through guidance and inspiration. We lead by example and work closely with parents in order to nurture students to become optimistic, hardworking and respectable people who will make meaningful contributions to society in the future.

The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
District : Islands
Other District(s) :
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management Committee : Ms. Angela On Kei Leong, BBS
Principal (with Qualifications / Experiences) : Ms. Joanna Yuk King Or (B.Ed., M.A., M.Ed.)
School Type : Aided
Student Gender : Co-ed
Area Occupied by the School : About 8416 Sq. M
Name of Sponsoring Body : Po Leung Kuk
Incorporated Management Committee : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers / Chairperson and Members of School Management Committee (SMC) of Government Schools Fulfilling the Training Targets : 62%
Religion : Not Applicable
Year of Commencement of Operation : 1997
School Motto : Love, Respect, Diligence, Sincerity
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Student Union / Association : Yes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni Association : Yes
Chargeable Fees (2024/2025) Chargeable Fees (2024/2025)
  School Fee ($) Tong Fai ($)  
S1 - -  
S2 - -  
S3 - -  
S4 - $340  
S5 - $340  
S6 - $340  
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) ($) $50  
Student Union / Association Fee ($) $20  
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual)($) -  
Other Charges / Fees ($) House fee: $10  
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 31
School Facilities : Computer Room, Multi-Media Learning Centre, Computer-Aided Learning Room, Student Activity Centre, Multi-Purpose Room, Library, Campus TV Studio. The campus is air-conditioned. All classrooms and special rooms are equipped with computers and LCD projectors. Wireless access points and over 100 tablet PCs are provided, so teachers and students can connect to the Internet anywhere on campus.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Ramp, Accessible lift, Accessible toilet and visual fire alarm system.
Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year
Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment : 54
Total Number of Teachers in the School : 56
Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
Had Received Teacher Training : 89%
Bachelor Degree : 100%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above : 41%
Special Education Training : 44%
Years of Experience : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
0-4 Years : 30%
5-9 Years : 7%
10 Years or above : 63%
2024/2025 Class Structure 2024/2025 Class Structure
    Number of Classes
S1 : 4
S2 : 4
S3 : 4
S4 : 4
S5 : 4
S6 : 4
Subjects Offered Subjects Offered
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Chinese History, Design and Technology, Citizenship, Economics and Society (S.1), Life and Society (S.2 and S.3), Music, Physical Education, Putonghua, STEAM Education, Visual Arts
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language, Mathematics, Science
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : Computer Literacy*, Geography*
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Chinese History, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Citizenship and Social Development, Health Management and Social Care (S.4)
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Information and Communication Technology
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Chinese History, Design and Technology, Citizenship, Economics and Society (S.1 to S.2), Life and Society (S.3), Music, Physical Education, Putonghua, STEAM Education, Visual Arts
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language, Mathematics, Science
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : Computer Literacy*, Geography*
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Visual Arts, Health Management and Social Care (S.4 and S.5), Physical Education
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Information and Communication Technology
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -

*Subjects with Extended Learning Activities (ELA) in English

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life
Secondary One Admission : Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2025 ).Criteria for interview : 1. Grade B or above in conduct in every term of P.5 and P.6. 2. Reaching the overall grade of B (B+/B/B-) or above in Chinese, English and Mathematics in P.5 Second Term and P.6 First Term Examinations. Admission Criteria : 1. Academic Results (40%) 2. Interview (40%) 3. Extra-curricular Activities (20%)
Orientation Activities and Healthy Life : An S.1 Bridging Course, Parents Orientation Day and Orientation Camp are organised. In order to promote the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, the P.E. Department organises different kinds of activities to encourage students to participate and engage in sports. Activities include the Po Leung Kuk Affiliated Secondary Schools Sports Award Scheme, Athletic Meet, Inter-Class and Inter-House Competitions.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
(1)School's Major Concerns : 1. Empowering students to become reflective learners.
2. Cultivating self-worth in students.
(2) School Management Organisation : School-based management has been adopted to encourage staff participation in developing policies. Committees have been set up to enhance professional development.
(3) Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee : Being formed in 2012, the Incorporated Management Committee consists of representatives of Po Leung Kuk, individuals, the Principal, teachers, parents, and alumni.
(4) School Green Policy : Our school is dedicated to raising the awareness of the importance of environmental protection amongst our students and staff members by formulating green policies, reducing and recycling waste in daily life, and encouraging participation in educational activities. A green procurement policy has also been adopted. To reduce paper consumption, we promote double-sided copying and the use of electronic documents. Paper recycling bins are placed around the school; used paper, ink cartridges and toner cartridges are recycled regularly. Air-conditioners are turned on only when the temperature reaches 25°C. Green equipment and appliances such as a water-saving system for all toilets on the school premises are in use. Moreover, our students have been actively taking part in environmental campaigns organised by green groups such as talks and "No Air-con Day".
Learning and Teaching Plan
(1) Whole-school Language Policy : Improve students' English proficiency by adopting a whole-school approach to enriching the environment conducive to learning English.
(2) Learning and Teaching Strategies : Teaching approaches aim to motivate students and develop their study methods. Students are also provided with various learning opportunities and a favourable learning environment.
The junior forms emphasise the enhancement of language ability and thinking skills. Study skills are taught in class.
The flexible curriculum framework of the New Senior Secondary curriculum offers students a wide range of subject combinations in order to cater for their needs.
Apart from strengthening the curriculum of the core subjects and subject training, there is also a variety of OLE opportunities encouraging students to participate in the five areas of OLE, namely Moral and Civic Education, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Aesthetic Development and Physical Development so as to equip them for their tertiary education. Also, we strive to develop students' interest in music, and learning to play musical instruments has become a core part of the junior form music curriculum.
(3) School-based Curriculum : 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. To cater for learners' needs, the New Senior Secondary curriculum offers several subjects for the students. They can choose their elective subjects according to their interests and abilities.
2. Curriculum highlights:
- To enhance junior secondary students' understanding of the senior secondary elective subjects, Geography is offered in junior secondary education and S.3 Science is divided into Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- To widen students' vision of the world, world history and cultural elements are incorporated into the Chinese History curriculum.
- To prepare students for studying Citizenship and Social Development, Citizenship, Economics and Society (S.1) / Life and Society (S.2 and S.3) are offered in junior secondary education.
(4) Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum : National and Life Education: To promote moral values and positive attitude of a school-based moral education curriculum through platforms of Campus TV or lessons of different subjects as well as the life education lessons, the school junior forms adopt P.A.T.H.S. to Adulthood.
The Wednesday campus TV programme of moral education is a platform for whole-school interaction and sharing on daily life events or current local, national or international news.
(5) Life Planning Education : By coordinating life planning activities for various year levels, the Life Planning Committee (LPC) of our school enables students to integrate their career or academic aspirations with whole-person development and life-long learning.
Through long-term partnership with organisations such as the Po Leung Kuk Life Planning & Financial Education Centre, Rotary Club of Channel Islands and Quality Mentorship Network and the use of other external resources, the LPC organises an array of activities such as talks, parent nights, workshops, university and workplace visits and mock release of DSE results and so on to provide parents and students with careers-related information and allow students to prepare themselves for their life planning.
With the implementation of our school-based structured life planning curriculum, complemented with individual counselling sessions to accommodate the development needs of students of all year levels, it is hoped that our students can well equip themselves to adapt to future challenges in life.
Student Support
(1) Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : Remedial teaching is practised in our school. Enhancement and enrichment classes are also organised after school and during holidays. Bridging courses are organised during summer holidays.
(2) Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : To better cater for students having special educational needs (SEN), an Student Support Team (SST) was established in our school. With reference to the 3-Tier Intervention Model, students are provided with various levels of assistance according to the severity of their learning difficulties. For instance, Individual Education Plans (IEP) are devised to ensure particular students can receive the additional learning and counselling support they need as recommended by medical specialists. In addition, we believe that SEN students can develop their potential and become more confident and skillful in communication and socialising under professionals' suitable guidance. Extra manpower is allocated to the provision of regular after-class tuition. Furthermore, various therapies and social skills training workshops offered by external providers are made available on campus. SST also actively organises a series of experiential activities to promote the value of respecting diversity to students. We hope to increase students' awareness of the school's inclusive culture. With the Grant for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students with Special Educational Needs, the SST is able to support NCS students with SEN by strengthening the emotional, communication and social support for the students concerned.
(3) Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students : Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: providing after-school support programmes in learning Chinese; appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students’ learning of Chinese; arranging intensive Chinese learning and teaching mode(s), e.g. pull-out learning if necessary, split-class/group learning, etc.; developing school-based Chinese Language curriculum and/or adapting learning and teaching materials; and organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school. Additionally, time adjustments are made available during written examinations for NCS students, and we provide career and further study counselling services to support their educational journey.
(4) Measures to Provide Adaptation for Learning and Assessment : Student performance is assessed through two end-of-term examinations and continuous assessment. Learning attitude is one of the areas of assessment.
Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos
(1) Home-School Co-operation : Thanks to the efforts and commitment of our parent and teacher committee members, the Parent-Teacher Association has successfully established strong cooperation between parents and teachers. In the future, our school will invest more resources on parent education, in order to create an ideal learning environment for our students through home-school cooperation.
(2) School Ethos : The school ethos aims to cultivate students' punctuality, diligence and obedience. We offer counselling services to foster students' growth. We also set up Parent-Teacher Association to facilitate communication between parents and students. To develop positive moral values in our students, we have set up the National and Life Education Committee. We also encourage staff and students to share inspiring stories on various occasions. School Prefects and the ambassadors from the Peer Counselling Team act as role models for their peers.
Future Development
(1) School Development Plan : The School's Major Concerns for 2024/25-2026/27:
1. Empowering students to become reflective learners.
2. Cultivating self-worth in students.
(2) Teacher Professional Training and Development : The school set up the staff development committee specifically for staff professional development. The committee is responsible for coordinating the new staff induction program and school-based staff development days, etc. A school-based appraisal system is introduced to facilitate teachers’ professional development. Each year, all subject departments and committees will design their own development and training programmes to enhance teaching and learning effectiveness.
Life-wide Learning (Including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be Provided through Key Learning Areas, Extra-curricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities, etc.) : Co-curricular activities in the following areas are provided: academics, sports, music, art, social services and special interest groups. Students are encouraged to set up and lead the groups. The house system has become a tradition of the school in which students take the lead to organise various activities.
Participation in a full range of activities and volunteer services allows students to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the community, while learning to benefit others and develop humanistic qualities.
Others : -
Direct Public Transportation to School : Our school can be reached by the MTR (Tung Chung Station), the E bus routes to the airport and bus routes connecting all parts of Tung Chung.
Remarks : -
School Map School Map
  • School Building
    School Building
  • School Life Photo 1
    School Life Photo 1
  • School Life Photo 2
    School Life Photo 2
  • Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College 2023-24
    Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Ma Kam Ming-Cheung Fook Sien College 2023-24

Last revision date: 5/12/2024