SSP 2024/2025
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School Information.
HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School
Address: 38 Chui Ling Road, Tiu Keng Leng NT
Phone:   22463383    Email:
Fax:   22463283    Website:

School Mission

In accordance with Buddhist virtues and the needs of society, our school is committed to developing diligent, self-confident students who will be pro-active in society. Our ethos is to help students to have all-round development in ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, aesthetics and spirit.

The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
District : Sai Kung
Other District(s) : Kwun Tong
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management Committee : Rev. Sik Ku Tay
Principal (with Qualifications / Experiences) : Ms. Tsui Yuen Nam Wendy (MA., BA(English), PGDE)
School Type : Aided
Student Gender : Co-ed
Area Occupied by the School : About 11850 Sq. M
Name of Sponsoring Body : Heung Hoi Ching Kok Lin Association
Incorporated Management Committee : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers / Chairperson and Members of School Management Committee (SMC) of Government Schools Fulfilling the Training Targets : 70%
Religion : Buddhism
Year of Commencement of Operation : 2003
School Motto : Enlightenment, nobility, virtue and righteousness
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Student Union / Association : Yes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni Association : Yes
Chargeable Fees (2024/2025) Chargeable Fees (2024/2025)
  School Fee ($) Tong Fai ($)  
S1 - -  
S2 - -  
S3 - -  
S4 - $290  
S5 - $290  
S6 - $290  
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) ($) $50  
Student Union / Association Fee ($) $10  
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual)($) -  
Other Charges / Fees ($) -  
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 30
School Facilities : Our school has a millennium campus with modern facilities designed to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning, including but not limited to the following: Language Enhancement: International Cultural Centre, Chinese Cultural Centre, Library. IT Campus: SAMSUNG e-Learning Centre, Computer Room, Multimedia Learning Centre, Campus TV, Wifi Network. STEM Education: Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Biology Lab, LEGO STEM Lab, Maker Lab, 3D Printing Centre. Physical and Art Education: Fitness Centre, Basketball Court, Volleyball Court, Football Court, Dancing Room, Art Room, Music Room, Cookery Room.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Accessible lift and tactile guide path plan.
Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year
Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment : 48
Total Number of Teachers in the School : 51
Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
Had Received Teacher Training : 76%
Bachelor Degree : 100%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above : 53%
Special Education Training : 52%
Years of Experience : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
0-4 Years : 47%
5-9 Years : 7%
10 Years or above : 46%
2024/2025 Class Structure 2024/2025 Class Structure
    Number of Classes
S1 : 3
S2 : 3
S3 : 3
S4 : 3
S5 : 3
S6 : 3
Subjects Offered Subjects Offered
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics*, Science*, Integrated Humanities*, Commerce (S.3)*, Chinese History,
Putonghua (S.1, S.2), Music*, Design and Technology*, Physical Education*, Visual Arts*, Buddhist Studies*, Information and communication Technology*, Home Economics*, Whole-Person Training, Multi-Talent Class.
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1, Citizenship and Social Development,
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Chinese History,
Geography, Economics, Information & Communication Technology, Ethics and Religious Studies,
Buddhist Studies, Physical Education, Whole Person Nurturing, Applied Learning courses and Multi-Talent Class.
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum :


Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics*, Science*, Geography* (S.1, S.2), History* (S.1, S.2), Citizenship, Economics and Society* (S.1, S.2), Integrated Humanities* (S.3), Commerce* (S.3), Chinese History, Putonghua (S.1, S.2), Music*, Design and Technology*, Physical Education*, Visual Arts*, Buddhist Studies*, Information & Communication Technology*, Home Economics*, Whole-Person Training, Multi-Talent class.
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1, Citizenship and Social Development,
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Chinese History,
Geography, Economics, Information & Communication Technology, Ethics and Religious Studies,
Buddhist Studies, Physical Education, Whole Person Nurturing, Applied Learning courses and Multi-Talent Class.
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum :


*Subjects with Extended Learning Activities (ELA) in English

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life
Secondary One Admission : Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2025 ).Academic results: 45%; Conduct: 25%; Performance in extra-curricular activities and services: 10%; Performance in the interview: 20%.
Orientation Activities and Healthy Life : A series of orientation activities are carried out between July and late August every year, including 1.New S.1 Orientation Week, 2. Parents' Orientation Talk; 3. Summer Interest workshops for families and 4. S.1 Discipline Training Camp.
Our School aims at developing students' healthy life and positive manner. In order to emphasize balanced diet and sports, we organize weekly assemblies and theme-based exhibitions, workshops and visits. With the implementation of "Healthy School" policy, we will commit ourselves to help students' all-round development to achieve physical and mental wellness and successful social life.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
(1)School's Major Concerns : 1. Strengthen National Security Education and boost recognition of National Identity.
2. Cultivate Student’s Positive learning Attitude.
(2) School Management Organisation : The Board of Directors is composed of eminent figures in society who are enthusiastic about Buddhist education. With the principles of kindheartedness, the school tries to open up its management structure with the aim of emphasizing people-centredness, self-reliance and self-improvement.
(3) Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee : The school set up the IMC in early 2006. In addition to members from HHCKLA, the IMC also includes independent public members who are devoted to education, school teachers and parent representatives. This allows for better transparency and responsibility of school management.
(4) School Green Policy : The school emphasizes the promotion of environmental education. Apart from project learning, we have incorporated environmental protection in different teaching units. Moreover, we promote environmental protection through talks, visits and greening school campaigns.
Learning and Teaching Plan
(1) Whole-school Language Policy : 1. The school adopts Chinese as the medium of instruction to facilitate students' learning. In a bid to foster a solid foundation of English among students for their future studies, we implement small-class teaching in all forms. We also organize a variety of English activities including English morning assembly, debating, drama, musical, BCK studio, speech festival, master chef workshop, live performance, booth games and quiz competitions. There are also after-school enhancement and remedial programmes to consolidate students' English ability.
2. With the implementation of the fine-tuning of Medium of Instruction, our school makes use of a proportion of lesson time to conduct extended learning activities in English in different subjects in junior forms. Some specific units and themes are taught in English. We also have cross-curricular English enhancement programmes for students to improve their English for future studies in senior form subjects.
3. To further enrich the learning environment, we set up the International Cultural Centre, which allows students to learn English in authentic scenes. With more conversions conducted in English, students will have ample opportunities to practise the language and achieve the best learning results.
(2) Learning and Teaching Strategies : 1. To enhance student-oriented teaching and cater for learner diversity, small-class teaching is adopted in Chinese, English and Mathematics classes according to the specific needs of students. We also create school-based materials, implement STEAM education and organize cross-curricular learning activities to improve learning and teaching. After-school enhancement and remedial classes as well as extended learning programmes are organized for students.
2. In addition to tests and examinations, the school also adopts a variety of methods for student assessment, including class participation, group discussions, presentations and experiments, with the aim of using assessment as a learning tool.
3. The school aims to foster positive learning attitudes among students by adopting self-directed learning, lesson preparation, cooperative learning and e-learning.
4. The school encourages reading across the curriculum. With our reading reward scheme, students can learn extensively from reading and broaden their knowledge base.
5. The school provides rich learning experiences for students, which helps them to develop generic skills and leadership skills. The school also encourages students to explore different cultures so as to broaden their horizons and improve their communication skills. Furthermore, each student has the opportunity to participate in overseas learning activities including study tours, cultural experience tours and overseas exchange programmes. Scholarships and funds are provided for students in these programmes.
(3) School-based Curriculum : 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. Some students also take Applied Learning.
2. Curriculum highlights: The school provides a wide range of school-based courses. The course design successfully combines subject knowledge with life knowledge so students can learn authentically. The school adopts the student-oriented approach in teaching, makes adjustments to the curriculum and makes good use of community resources to enhance students’ motivation in learning so they can become self-directed and lifelong learners.
The school develops a comprehensive and diversified curriculum. It provides opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom. In addition to traditional subjects, it also offers personal growth programme and multi-disciplined programme. The personal growth programme combines the spirit of Buddhist education and the values of morality. We aim to cultivate a balanced development of students' body, mind, and spirit. Multi-disciplined programme allows students to develop their interests and enhance their personal competitiveness.
STEAM education is promoted in junior forms by adopting the cross-curricular approach. With the assistance of industry and tertiary institutions, STEAM education is successfully implemented in our school. Through computer programming, design and the production of smart products, students can develop their creativity and improve their problem-solving skills. The school also promotes artificial intelligence in Form 3 to keep up with the latest trends of technological development.
(4) Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum : 1. We promote moral and civic education through morning or weekly assemblies and non-formal curricula. We also cover the relevant elements inside the classrooms to deepen the value of education.
2. In promoting 'reading to learn', we have set up morning reading sessions. We also encourage students reading through electronic devices.
3. Project learning is one of our key development areas. Every year we organize an “Experiential Learning Week”. Through site visits, on-site interviews and questionnaires, we teach students how to integrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes within a structured learning framework.
4. With the implementation of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), teaching and learning become more interactive at school. The information technology facilities in our school are well-developed, with abundant online learning resources covering all subjects. The teachers are well-versed in IT to assist interactive learning.
(5) Life Planning Education : We put great emphasis on life-planning education. The two main aspects include guidance on further studies and career choices. We have cooperated with a number of external organizations and introduced a series of academic and non-academic courses with professional recognition, including but not limited to Cambridge English Courses (PET / KET), TOEIC, IELTS, Pet Grooming, Image Design and Wedding Planner Certificate Course, etc.
Student Support
(1) Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : 1. Our school adopts different measures to cater for learner diversity, including proper class allocation of students, class teacher arrangement, language policy, tailored curriculum, assignments and assessment.
2. Small-class teaching is adopted in the school.
3. We also have an educational psychologist and additional social workers to enhance our guidance for students.
(2) Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : Our school aims to build an inclusive culture and support students with special educational needs under the whole-school approach. We provide appropriate and diversified support services to enhance students' learning effectiveness and help them integrate into school life through the effective use of resources. Our school has flexibly used the "Learning Support Grant" to recruit additional staff and set up the Student Support Team. Our support team works and collaborates with other sections of the school to support students in need. At the same time, our school-based educational psychologist provides curriculum and teaching support, and develop individual education plan for students in need.
(4) Measures to Provide Adaptation for Learning and Assessment : In addition to the two annual examinations and two uniform tests, the school implements a range of continuous assessments methods, including assignments, quizzes and projects.
Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos
(1) Home-School Co-operation : We treasure parent-teacher cooperation and set up the Parent-Teacher Association which contains parent manager. Regular meetings are conducted with parents to gather their opinions on school affairs. To strength liaison with parents, we organize family activities to assist the healthy development of the students. In addition, we organize the Parents’ Day, tea gatherings and talks on a regular basis. We also support parents' growth through parents' education programmes. We have held a variety of activities including PTA tour, PTA cooking class and parent mindfulness activity.
(2) School Ethos : Our school is committed to integrating the principles of discipline and counseling in order to establish an 'orderly but happy' school environment for students. In order to enhance the quality of education, we foster students' self-discipline, promote better morals and self-improvement through morning assemblies, weekly assemblies and various counseling programmes. Students have benefited from the guidance of teachers under the "Double Class Teachers Scheme". In the External School Review conducted in 2015 by the Education Bureau, the reviewing team has given the school highly-positive comments. They noted that our students have the intention to strive for the best and excel in their studies and that our teachers are energetic. The school has a positive culture in which students are gentle and respectful.
Future Development
(1) School Development Plan : 1. Strengthen National Security Education and boost recognition of National Identity.
2. Cultivate Student’s Positive learning Attitude.
(2) Teacher Professional Training and Development : 1.Through various co-planning and peer lesson observations, our teachers continue to excel in their teaching performance.
2.Apart from organizing staff development days, we have also collaborated with professionals in the education field and invited them to share about new trends in education and provide training workshops for teachers.
3.Additional support is also given to new teachers so they can adapt to the school environment.

Life-wide Learning (Including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be Provided through Key Learning Areas, Extra-curricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities, etc.) : Our school adopts the policy of "One Student One Activity". There is provision of various extra-curricular activities to encourage students to realise their potential and to develop as individuals. The activities include Girl guides, CYC, Athletics, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, badminton, Choir, Ching Kok Orchestra (Both Chinese and Western), Dance Club and Drama Club, Home Economics Club, Magic Club, Art Club, School Aesthetics Club, Creative Design and Technology Club. There are also different academic clubs, such as Chinese Club, English Club, Mathematics Club, Science Club, Debating club and Computer Club. In addition, the school also organizes different cross-curricular activities, local outings and overseas tours, with the aim to encourage students to learn by doing outside the classroom.
Others : 1. Awards
A. School Achievement
- Awarded ‘Heart to Heart School’ and ‘Caring School Award’ for 15 and 14 consecutive years
- Awarded ‘Outstanding STEAM Secondary School’ for 2 consecutive years
- Awarded ‘Quality Library Awards’ and ‘Joyful Reading Special Award for Schools’ for 3 consecutive years
- Awarded Outstanding award for ‘Healthy School’

B. Teacher Achievements
Our teachers have received awards in areas including English, STEM, IT, Humanities and History. We also have many teachers who have received the Outstanding Teachers Awards and innovative teacher award.

C. Student Achievements
Our students also excel in multiple disciplines like solo verse speaking, calligraphy, writing, drama, arts, sports and S.T.E.M. Notable achievements include gold medal in Chinese Calligraphy and silver medal in English Calligraphy in the fourth Chinese Heritage Cup, special recognition award in the writing competition “My Chinese dream and my Hong Kong dream”, the second runner-up of artificial intelligence auto-driving challenger marathon, The bronze medal in 2022 Hong Kong Arts Contest Grade 7 (Piano Division), the second place in the Hong Kong interschool tea etiquette competition and other individual awards.

2. Overseas Tours
To broaden students’ horizons, our school organize study tours and other learning experience in many places overseas, including Australia, England, Singapore, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Korea and major cities in mainland China including, the Greater Bay Area, Kaiping, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an and Qingdao.

For more information of our school, please visit our website at
Direct Public Transportation to School : Bus (New World First Bus) 796, 796A, 796B, 796C, 796M, 796X;
MTR: Tiu Keng Leng station; Light bus: 110.
Remarks : A variety of Applied Learning courses are provided to rich learning experiences for students, for example, Practical Psychology, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Medical Laboratory Science, Interior design, Aviation Programmes, Certificate in AI and Robotics, Western Cuisine, etc.
School Map School Map
  • School Building
    School Building
  • School Life Photo 1
    School Life Photo 1
  • School Life Photo 2
    School Life Photo 2
  • Ching Kok undergraduate student
    Ching Kok undergraduate student

Last revision date: 5/12/2024