SSP 2024/2025
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School Information.
CCC Rotary Secondary School
Address: 157 Lung Cheung Road, Wang Tau Hom, Kowloon
Phone:   23381971    Email:
Fax:   23383748    Website:

School Mission

The school missions are: to cultivate the spirit of good citizenship in students; encourage students to pursue spirituality and the five virtues of morality, wisdom, health, sociality and aesthetics. To nurture a proper outlook on life, moral values and a positive, proactive philosophy in students.

The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
District : Wong Tai Sin
Other District(s) : Yau Tsim Mong, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City, Kwun Tong, North, Sha Tin
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management Committee : Rev. Yung Chuen Hung
Principal (with Qualifications / Experiences) : Mr. Sit Cheung Wah (Mathematics (B.Sc.), IT in Education (M.A.), Diploma in Education)
School Type : Aided
Student Gender : Co-ed
Area Occupied by the School : About 6000 Sq. M
Name of Sponsoring Body : The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
Incorporated Management Committee : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers / Chairperson and Members of School Management Committee (SMC) of Government Schools Fulfilling the Training Targets : 87%
Religion : Protestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation : 1972
School Motto : Purify your soul and polish your mind; to help others and to honour Him.
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Student Union / Association : Yes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni Association : Yes
Chargeable Fees (2024/2025) Chargeable Fees (2024/2025)
  School Fee ($) Tong Fai ($)  
S1 - -  
S2 - -  
S3 - -  
S4 - $310  
S5 - $310  
S6 - $310  
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) ($) $60  
Student Union / Association Fee ($) $15  
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual)($) Optimization of School Facilities and Equipment $100  
Other Charges / Fees ($) -  
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 23
School Facilities : All classrooms and special rooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, visualizers, student lockers and teaching facilities. To enrich students’ learning experience, the school is also equipped with graphic plotters, drones, laser engraving machines, 3D printers, digital recording, editing and LED stage lighting systems. Our school has Campus TV, Rotary Studio and Cafe Alpha to support video production and performance activities, so as to let students practise English in a relaxing environment. Rotary Makerspace provides support for STEAM experiments and robotics activities which can improve learning effectiveness. The school has three multimedia learning centres, a student activity room, Chinese Culture room, Rotary Diner, Rotary B&B, and a school history room. A self-learning centre and a resource library are set up to provide students a well-equipped and comfortable self-study environment.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Accessible lift.
Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year
Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment : 48
Total Number of Teachers in the School : 53
Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
Had Received Teacher Training : 78%
Bachelor Degree : 98%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above : 45%
Special Education Training : 59%
Years of Experience : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
0-4 Years : 34%
5-9 Years : 12%
10 Years or above : 54%
2024/2025 Class Structure 2024/2025 Class Structure
    Number of Classes
S1 : 3
S2 : 3
S3 : 3
S4 : 3
S5 : 3
S6 : 3
Subjects Offered Subjects Offered
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics*, Citizenship, Economics and Society*/Life and Society*, Science*, Chinese History, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Innovation and Technology Education, Music, Information Technology, Putonghua, Ethics and Religious Studies
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics (Compulsory and Extended Part: Module 1), Citizenship and Social Development, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Design and Applied Technology, Economics, Health Management and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Ethics and Religious Studies
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum :


Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics*, Citizenship, Economics and Society*/Life and Society*, Science*, Chinese History, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Innovation and Technology Education, Music, Information Technology, Putonghua, Ethics and Religious Studies
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics (Compulsory and Extended Part: Module 1), Citizenship and Social Development, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Design and Applied Technology, Economics, Health Management and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Ethics and Religious Studies
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum :


*Subjects with Extended Learning Activities (ELA) in English

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life
Secondary One Admission : Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2025 ).Admission criteria and weightings for S1 discretionary places are as follows: Conduct grade - 25%, Subject grades - 30%, Extra-curricular activities, awards and school duties - 25%, Interview (including STEAM creativity performance) - 20%.
Orientation Activities and Healthy Life : Orientations were held and led by the Big Brother and Sister Scheme to help S.1 students to adapt to the new environment before their admission. "Students Fellowship" is a weekly Saturday programme, co-organized by The Church of Christ in China Hainan Church and the school. It aims at enhancing students' all-round development and their understanding in Christianity. The elements of health education are fully incorporated in the current curriculum. In order to provide students with up-to-date health information, subject panels and committees regularly organize activities and invite government departments and bodies to hold seminars for students. Furthermore, the school has the Health Ambassador Scheme in place which promotes a variety of health-related activities according to the school theme of the year.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
(1)School's Major Concerns : 1. To optimize teaching strategies and enhance the learning effectiveness. 2. To establish a caring community and develop students’ attitude towards national identity and be a responsible citizen. 3. To facilitate life planning and foster the development of students.
(2) School Management Organisation : Our school takes pride in its remarkable array of committees and departments which comprise School Administration Policy, Learning and Teaching Affairs, Discipline, Guidance & Counselling Committee, Co-curricular Activities, Integrated Education, Moral, Civic and National Education and Career & Life Planning, Information Technology, School Evaluation and Staff Development.
(3) Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee : The IMC manages the school faithfully and provides education in accordance with Christian principles and the faith of the Sponsoring Body, and implements the Vision, Mission and Core Values set out in this Constitution. The school is operated in accordance with the Ordinance or any other relevant laws of Hong Kong, the relevant Code of Aid, as well as other directives of the EDB and the Sponsoring Body applicable to the school from time to time.
(4) School Green Policy : To face global challenges, the school is committed to enhancing students' sense of responsibility and environmental awareness in keeping the campus clean by regularly reviewing the school's environmental protection policies and operations. In addition to teaching students to care for the excessive use of energy, our school has been promoting “going paperless” and making good use of electronic documents to reduce paper usage and protect trees, and help students build a harmonious life in which individuals, nature and society cooperate and coexist with each other.
Learning and Teaching Plan
(1) Whole-school Language Policy : Medium of instructions: Cantonese. English: A Native English Teacher (NET) is hired to encourage pupils to take part in a wide range of interesting English activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum. Streaming and small class teaching are applied in some of the forms. Our NET conducts speaking practice after school for students to enhance students’ speaking skills. In light of the "biliteracy and trilingualism" policy, students are encouraged to participate in Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival, and English Week, Chinese and Putonghua Week.
(2) Learning and Teaching Strategies : With the implementation of the new senior high school curriculum, the school's junior form school-based curriculum has been adjusted accordingly; it covers a wide range of school-based curriculum that pays equal attention to knowledge, attitude and ability; in terms of project learning, the mode of implementation in junior forms has been adjusted so that students can master the basic research skills of STEAM. In recent years, the school has continuously introduced external resources to help develop various learning and teaching measures and courses, aiming to strengthen students' project learning, creative thinking and problem-solving skills through the STEM interdisciplinary curriculum.
(3) School-based Curriculum : 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. Our school offers a wide range of courses in high school. In addition to ten elective subjects, students can also choose to study Applied Learning (ApL) or Mathematics Extended Course (Module 1/ Module 2).
2. Curriculum highlights: Establish a school-based junior STEAM curriculum to enhance students’ interest in learning in science, technology, art and mathematics, enhance students’ ability to synthesize and apply knowledge and skills, and cultivate students’ creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills. In addition, based on the student-centred philosophy, the school extends co-curricular activities at all levels to provide students with meaningful learning experiences, which are closely linked to the curriculum, so that students have the opportunity to participate in learning and teaching activities in a balanced manner, so as to achieve whole-person development. In terms of teaching, the school has carried out collaborative lesson planning. Teachers can adjust learning content, and design appropriate classroom activities through professional exchange in form meetings.
(4) Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum : 1. Reading to Learn: A reading lesson for students to read newspapers and extracurricular books. The Reading Promotion Team organizes various activities every year.
2. We promote Values Education through the twelve priority values and attitudes: "Perseverance", "Respect for Others", "Responsibility", "National Identity", "Commitment", "Integrity", "Benevolence", "Law-abidingness", "Empathy", "Diligence", "Unity" and “Filial Piety”. Our school regularly holds flag-raising ceremonies, weekly meetings, lectures, etc. We also lead students on overseas inspections every year. Through various volunteer services, students understand the needs of disadvantaged groups, build empathy and take the initiative to care for those in need. A senior academy has also been established to provide students with opportunities to serve the community.
3. Use of information technology for interactive learning: the entire school is equipped with an optical fiber network and intranet system.
4. Project Learning: Develop nine common abilities of junior high school students.
(5) Life Planning Education : Life Planning Education and Career Guidance:
Our school is dedicated to helping students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, enabling them to make informed choices during their transition to further education and employment. Additionally, the school actively develops external resources allowing students to: 1. Receive high-quality career planning education and guidance services for further education and employment, tailored to their developmental needs at different stages; 2. Obtain professional support, making decisions about further education and employment based on their interests, abilities, and aspirations; 3. Develop self-planning capabilities, making informed and responsible choices about educational and career goals as well as other aspects of life, thereby moving towards a meaningful life; 4. Receive timely assistance to handle and adapt to the transition from school to the workplace; 5. Equip themselves by pursuing personal or career goals to maximize their potential.
Student Support
(1) Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : A school-based approach is adopted to provide individual learning support or Education Plans for students with special educational needs. To help students with speech and hearing impairment, school-based speech therapy sessions are provided. For students with special educational needs, reading and writing support programmes, and tailored curricula are in place to help increase their motivation and ability in learning. A variety of school tutoring services and peer group support, such as training of executive function, self caring and language knowledge, are assigned to special educational needs students for the consolidation of different skills. It is also our utmost concern to help students build a better self-image and blend in with the school community. An implementation of “Core Subjects Supporting Scheme” is intertwined with tiered assignments and an appropriate curriculum adaptation programme in Core subjects to help cater for different learners’ diversity. Form Coordinators are assigned to facilitate cooperation among different committees, including Discipline, Academic, Career Planning, Inclusive Education, and such. As a result, students’ performance in specific aspects can be acknowledged by teachers across the committees.
(2) Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : Our school makes good use of the Learning Support Grant to engage experienced supporting staff (Counsellor and Teaching assistants) and provide after-school services, such as the Student Mental Health Support Scheme, meeting with Clinical psychologist, Educational psychologist and Occupational therapist. We concentrate on students’ personal needs to provide different arrangements, such as special homework and examination arrangements, support on enhancing learning, emotional control and social communication skills. SENCO, SEN teachers, experienced subject teachers, Counsellor & teaching assistants, all participate in the student support team. Our team caters for different students’ needs through a close connection with parents and provides suitable services including speech therapies, training on reading and writing, skill training and improvement on social communication and self-care.
(3) Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students : Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: providing after-school support programmes in learning Chinese; appointing additional teacher(s)/teaching assistant(s) to support NCS students’ learning of Chinese; and organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school.
(4) Measures to Provide Adaptation for Learning and Assessment : The academic year is divided into two terms. In each term and for each subject, there is a uniform test and an examination. For certain subjects, the assessment is conducted in the form of project reports, and continuous assessments instead of examinations. To equitably assess students with special education needs on their performance in learning, special assessment arrangements are provided.
Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos
(1) Home-School Co-operation : Parents are our partners. It is of vital importance for the school to maintain a good relationship with parents. In order to establish an effective and constant communication channel with parents, our Parent Teacher Association publishes a newsletter every year to let parents understand the affairs of the Association. At the same time, our Parent Teacher Association regularly organizes a variety of activities in order to share and exchange ideas with our parents, such as Annual General Meeting, Tea Gathering with Principal, Parents’ Night, Parents’ Day, School Picnic, Parent-child workshop, Parent-child garden and talks related to family education, etc. To enhance parents’ understanding of our school’s policy, we welcome parents to participate in various school functions as well as voluntary service in the community. There is a close connection between the school and parents.
(2) School Ethos : The ethos of the school is being true and simple. Being true and simple is the ethos of the school. Therefore, the attitude of being rigorous, respectful and trustful towards students has always been an indispensable part of the school’s education philosophy. Through developing a caring, proactive and harmonious school culture, we hope that our students will grow up with integrity, trustworthiness and responsibility. Apart from academic studies, students’ personal growth in various aspects such as ethical education, intellectual education, physical education, social education, aesthetic education and spiritual education always play an important part in their school life. Our school implements the "Integrated Discipline and Counseling" strategy. In addition to teachers’ love and care, our social workers and educational psychologists are always ready to offer support. The school takes pride in multiple wins in the "Caring School Award" organized by the Hong Kong Christian Service and makes efforts in creating a caring and harmonious community.
Future Development
(1) School Development Plan : The school implements multiple intelligence, establishes and promotes the culture of love, caters for learner diversity, enhances learning efficacy by cultivating positive values and facilitating students’ personal development and empowerment.
(2) Teacher Professional Training and Development : In light of the school’ s major concerns, we regularly organize different kinds of activities concerning the professional development and teaching effectiveness of our fellow teachers, thus a culture of mutual respect and appreciation is built. At the same time, we highly recommend our teachers to participate in different kinds of exchange activities and pursue further studies so as to broaden their horizons and improve their professional standards. Participation in the Project WeCan Quality Education Development Integrated Support Program will also be promoted to train leadership and support teachers’ professional growth, thereby enhancing students' learning effectiveness.
Life-wide Learning (Including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be Provided through Key Learning Areas, Extra-curricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities, etc.) : The school implements the "One Music for One Student" and "One Uniform Group for One Student" programs in Form 1 and 2 to build team spirit and inspire students' potential. Over 50 extracurricular activities and interest groups are offered in categories such as academics, interests, sports, arts, and service. Students are engaged in volunteer work, and events like student fellowships, Civic Education Week, Academic Week, and English Day are organized. The Wednesday afternoon "Life-wide Learning Period" within the timetable allows participation in various activities. Post-exam "Life-wide Learning Week" includes overseas trips and diverse activities related to culture, arts, and technology. These activities create a diverse learning environment, encouraging participation in school and external events and competitions, inspiring potential and creativity, boosting confidence, enhancing achievement, expanding skills, and fostering career planning. They also promote a healthy lifestyle, national identity, and positive values.
Others : 1. Through the implementation of Invitational Education, our school provides students with a variety of learning experiences to develop students’ multiple intelligences and self-concept, enhance students’ sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy, and take care of students’ learning diversity. Our belief is that "every child is respected, accepted and appreciated." The integration of invitational education in our curriculum has enabled our school to win the 2020 International Inviting School Award.
2. In the early days of the school’s establishment, the school was built with enormous donations from the Rotary Club of Kowloon West. Since then, the Rotary Club of Kowloon West has continued to financially support the school to improve our teaching facilities, and set up scholarships to encourage students to strive for excellence.
3. The school has actively been looking for organizations that provide scholarships in the hope that we can eulogize and reward students with outstanding performance in multiple intelligences (sports, arts, music, talents, special skills or social services, etc.) inside and outside the school, nurturing elite students to become excellent social talents, thus contribute and give back to society in the future.
4. We support the newly arrived students through the following services:
(1) Academic: Newly arrived students are scheduled to attend English remedial classes and Life Adaptation classes. So that newcomers can adapt to the curriculum more quickly.
(2) Social: Social activities including festive gatherings and community visits are organised for newly arrived students.
(3) Financial: To assist newly arrived students with financial difficulties, our school helps them to apply for various types of financial aids, and set up scholarships to value and recognize their excellent academic performance.
(4) Study abroad: Education seminars are introduced to the newly arrived students for developing a better understanding of courses offered in Hong Kong, mainland and overseas.
Direct Public Transportation to School : MTR: Lok Fu Station (Exit A), Wong Tai Sin Station (Exit C1). Minibuses: 13, 39M, 53M, 54, 85,88. Buses: 1, 2B, 2F, 3C, 7, 7B, 7M, 11C, 11D, 11K, 38, 40, 40A, 40P, 42C, 61X, 62X, 69C, 74A, 75X, 80, 80P, 84M, 89, 89B, 103, 113, 211, 211A, 214, 224R, 252X, 258D, 258P, 259D, 267X, 268A, 268C, 269C, 290A, 889, E22, E22A, E22X, N29.
Remarks : -
School Map School Map
  • Photo of School Building
    Photo of School Building
  • Teachers and students make efforts in creating a caring and harmonious community.
    Teachers and students make efforts in creating a caring and harmonious community.
  • Our students won many awards during the Inter-School Dodeebee Competitions
    Our students won many awards during the Inter-School Dodeebee Competitions
  • Introduction of CCC Rotary Secondary School
    Introduction of CCC Rotary Secondary School

Last revision date: 5/12/2024