SSP 2024/2025
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School Information.
YPI & CA Lee Lim Ming College
Address: Estate Secondary School No. 2 Shan King Estate Tuen Mun New Territories
Phone:   24670652    Email:
Fax:   24670775    Website:

School Mission

With the motto "Developing Morality and Encouraging Diligence", the school is determined to nurture individuals pursuing academic excellence and developing the virtue of filial piety. We aim at promoting cultural integration and providing education to students of different ethnicities. Local Chinese students' language ability and creativity are, therefore, much enhanced in such a diversified learning environment. Non-Chinese students can apply themselves more easily to their school life and to the Chinese society here in Hong Kong.

The school information is provided and vetted by schools. If further details are required. Please contact the school direct.
School Information School Information
District : Tuen Mun
Other District(s) : Islands
Supervisor / Chairman of School Management Committee : MS. Lee Wai Fun
Principal (with Qualifications / Experiences) : Ms. Tsao Lai Yee (B.A., M.A.)
School Type : Aided
Student Gender : Co-ed
Area Occupied by the School : About 6000 Sq. M
Name of Sponsoring Body : Yan Ping Industrial and Commercial Association School Limited
Incorporated Management Committee : Established
Percentage of School Supervisor and Managers / Chairperson and Members of School Management Committee (SMC) of Government Schools Fulfilling the Training Targets : Not Applicable
Religion : Not Applicable
Year of Commencement of Operation : 1987
School Motto : Developing Morality and Encouraging Diligence
Parent-Teacher Association : Yes
Student Union / Association : Yes
Past Students’ Association / School Alumni Association : Yes
Chargeable Fees (2024/2025) Chargeable Fees (2024/2025)
  School Fee ($) Tong Fai ($)  
S1 - -  
S2 - -  
S3 - -  
S4 - $340  
S5 - $340  
S6 - $340  
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) ($) $20  
Student Union / Association Fee ($) $10  
Approved Charges for Non-standard Items (Annual)($) $310  
Other Charges / Fees ($) -  
School Facilities School Facilities
Number of Classroom(s) : 24
School Facilities : Multi-media Learning Centre, 2 Computer Rooms, STEAM Learning Centre, Career and Life Planning Activity Room, Student Activity Room, Discipline Room, Guidance Room, Parent-Teacher Association Room, English Corner, Chinese Corner. The campus is air-conditioned and equipped with IT facilities.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs : Accessible lift, Accessible toilet and Student Information Platform, Screen Readers, Wireless FM Systems and special room ChatYPICA to cater for SEN students.
Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year Teaching Staff Information (Including School Head) in the 2024/2025 School Year
Number of Teaching Posts in the Approved Establishment : 43
Total Number of Teachers in the School : 46
Qualifications and Professional Training : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
Had Received Teacher Training : 74%
Bachelor Degree : 100%
Master / Doctorate Degree or above : 44%
Special Education Training : 50%
Years of Experience : Percentage of Teaching Staff (%)
0-4 Years : 35%
5-9 Years : 4%
10 Years or above : 61%
2024/2025 Class Structure 2024/2025 Class Structure
    Number of Classes
S1 : 3
S2 : 3
S3 : 2
S4 : 3
S5 : 3
S6 : 3
Subjects Offered Subjects Offered
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics*, Science (S.1-S.2)*, Science (S.3 Biology, Physics, Chemistry)*, Chinese History, History*, Geography*, Music*, Home Economics, Computer, Physical Education, Putonghua, Visual Arts, Moral and Civic Education, Life and Society*, Citizenship, Economics and Society*, Reading
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects Offered in the 2024/2025 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Health Management and Social Care, Visual Arts, Physical Education (DSE), Music, Physical Education (General), Career and Life Planning, Moral and Civic Education, Reading
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language, Mathematics*, Science (S.1-S.2)*, Science (S.3 Biology, Physics, Chemistry)*, Chinese History, History*, Geography*, Music*, Home Economics, Computer, Physical Education, Putonghua, Visual Arts, Moral and Civic Education, Life and Society*, Citizenship, Economics and Society*, Reading
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : -
Subjects to be Offered in the 2025/2026 School Year : S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the Medium of Instruction : Chinese Language
English as the Medium of Instruction : English Language
Adopt a Different Medium of Instruction by Class or by Group / School-based Curriculum : Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Health Management and Social Care, Visual Arts, Physical Education (DSE), Music, Physical Education (General), Career and Life Planning, Moral and Civic Education, Reading

*Subjects with Extended Learning Activities (ELA) in English

Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life Secondary One Admission, Orientation Activities & Healthy School Life
Secondary One Admission : Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2025 ).Admission Criteria: 1. Applicants' primary school performance (50%): P.5 & P.6 academic results, conduct, extra-curricular activities, community services, and other abilities; 2. Performance in interview (50%): manner, creativity, interpersonal skills and problem solving ability.
Orientation Activities and Healthy Life : 1. To help students learn effectively and to echo the environmental conservation policies in the school, F.1, F.2 and F.3 students can borrow textbooks from the school library. 2. Quality education is emphasized to raise students’ English level and enhance learning through information technology. 3. Each student may borrow a netbook for their use at home over the whole school year. 4. F.1 students have a series of Bridging Courses before the start of the academic year. Apart from English and Mathematics Bridging Courses, it also cultivates different learning skills and interpersonal skills. 5. In summer holidays, the school launches programmes of about 2 weeks, to develop students' interest in different areas. 6. "Parents' Day" for F.1 students. 7. F.1 core extra-curricular activities. 8. F.1 'Homework Remedial Classes' after school free of charge. 9. F.1 Orientation Camp.
Students are strongly advised to bring along their own lunch, with an emphasis on giving them a balanced diet. The school provides facilities to store their lunch boxes and to reheat them. The Health Education Committee places strong concern on students' health conditions. Sports Days and Sports Carnival are organized to encourage students to participate in sports and raise their interest towards different sports.
School Characteristics School Characteristics
School Management
(1)School's Major Concerns : 1. Raise students' motivation for learning and strengthen their learning skills. 2. Promote positive culture and develop positive values.
3. Foster cultural integration and learn from different ethnicities.
(2) School Management Organisation : Various Committees are formed and led by the Principal, with an aim to set up guiding principles and launching programmes for the school. The appraisal system is well-developed and teachers' continuous professional development programmes are provided to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness.
(3) Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee : Incorporated Management Committee has been established. Meetings are held constantly to discuss, evaluate and plan the development of our school.
(4) School Green Policy : Our school supports environmental conservation by encouraging staff and students to reduce the use of paper and to save energy. The school has set up rules for using air-conditioning. The school also places strong emphasis on developing a green school environment for students by setting up the 'Lim Ming Farm'. Inter-class planting competition is held every year to raise students’ awareness of environmental conservation.
Learning and Teaching Plan
(1) Whole-school Language Policy : Chinese is the medium of instruction in F.1 to F.3. Students are given many chances to develop and improve their English language skills. English Corner is set up with rich teaching materials, creating a favourable environment for learning English. Chinese Corner is set up to enrich students' knowledge about Chinese cultures and raise students' interest in learning Chinese. Various activities are organized to enhance students’ language proficiency. In addition, a series of language-across-the-curriculum activities are implemented each school year so as to strengthen students' English. These activities include: 1. Cultural Day, The Amazing Race; 2. Worldwide Wonders; 3. Extended learning activities after school.
(2) Learning and Teaching Strategies : To motivate students in self-learning, a wide range of activities and award schemes are launched. Interactive and collaborative teaching approaches are adopted as well as the use of information technology. The school-based curriculum is tailor-made to suit students' interests and abilities. Our school employs the following strategies to promote learning: 1. Remedial classes are arranged for F.1-F.6 Chinese Language to cater for learner diversity. 2. Remedial classes are arranged for F.1, F.2, F.3 & F.5 English Language to cater for learner diversity. 3. Remedial classes are arranged for F.1, F.3 & F.5 Mathematics to cater for learner diversity. 4. There are Elite Classes and Enrichment Programmes for able students to further develop their knowledge. 5. ‘Life-wide Learning Day’ is organised twice a year to extend students’ learning beyond the classroom. 6. Projects in all subjects for F.1 to F.3 students are coordinated so as to let students learn more effectively and efficiently. 7. Cross-curricular activities are arranged so as to help students develop their generic skills. 8. Elements of STEAM, choice of materials, coding etc., are included in Junior Form Science, Computer lessons. 9. The school include some elements of STEAM in Senior Form Maths. We aim at nurturing students to apply STEAM knowledge in daily applications.
(3) School-based Curriculum : 1. Electives: 2X. Students can choose two electives, applied learning courses, other languages or other programmes.
2. Curriculum highlights: Moral and Civic Education has been introduced in junior secondary level. MCE helps students establish correct life values and develop appropriate moral standard by drawing their attention to topics ranging from issues revolving around their daily lives and personal development to current affairs. To enrich the content of the NSS, Music is included in the F.4 (SS1) curriculum and MCE is included in F.5 (SS2) curriculum. Besides, Career and Life Planning is included in F.6 (SS3) Curriculum. Career and Life Planning lets students understand more about themselves so as to explore their potential and vocation, to establish their goals and to make reflections. Reading lessons have been introduced to F.1 to F.6 students so as to promote reading to learn and reading across the curriculum (RaC).
(4) Major Renewed Emphases in the School Curriculum : a) Reading-Across-the-Curriculum - A reading lesson is set in the timetable to teach students’ reading skills and cultivate students’ reading habit. Moreover, teachers, parents and students are invited to recommend good books to their fellows during the Book Recommendation session in morning assemblies. Online Reading Programmes are organized. b) Information Technology for Interactive Learning Information Technology is widely used in class, E-class. c) Project Learning-Project Learning for F.1 to F.3 students is centrally organized by the school authority in order to develop and cultivate students’ mind and critical thinking ability. Upon completion of their junior form, every student should have finished at least one project in Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Humanities and Science Key Learning Areas. d) Civic and Moral Education-To strengthen students’ positive moral value and virtues, the subject Civic and Moral Education is included in the curriculum.
(5) Life Planning Education : Career and life planning activities of the school aim at helping F.1 to F.6 students understand themselves more thoroughly, explore their potential and vocation, make informed choices and timely reflections. Activities include:
1. establishing a "Student Career Portfolio" for each student, which records all the career activities of the student in his secondary school life together with the yearly feedback from the form-teacher and will be returned to the student before graduation; 2. setting a career day for senior form students and each F.6 student will attend a mock group interview and a mock individual interview; 3. setting a career day for junior form students and each F.1-2 student may explore themselves more in the view of multiple intelligences; 4. a career and life planning camp is organized for F.3 students;
5. career exploration tours to Taiwan, Macau etc are organised to help students learn more about overseas studies; 6. providing cross-curricular career education through collaboration with some subjects, such as Chinese Language, English Language, Moral and Civic Education and Business, Accounting and Financial Studies; 7. Career and Life Planning through assemblies and school-based F.6 lessons; 8. providing school-based after-school career-oriented programmes for senior form students and F.3 Taster Programmes for DSE electives. The school has established the framework of career and life planning for students in all forms. This can enable our teachers and students to always get a full picture of the career and life education in the school for the better development of our students.
Student Support
(1) Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity : The school has allocated extra resources to facilitate remedial teaching on Chinese Language and English Language and some subjects offer extra lessons after school to cater for individual differences and the needs of every single student. There are enrichment programmes to help students widen their horizons in different subjects. English classes and Induction classes are arranged for newly-arrived children. Cross-border travel allowances and special support measures for cross-border students are established. The school provides scholarships encouraging students' outstanding performances in academic areas and non-academic areas such as conduct, services, activities, sports and promotion of multi-cultural understandings.
(2) Whole School Approach to Integrated Education : 1. The school implements integrated education with the ‘Learning Support Grant’ and ‘Grant for Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students with Special Education Needs’. 2. ‘Student Affairs Committee’ is set up to seal with all student affairs. 3. SEN Coordinator is assigned. 4. Our school provides facilities for students with special educational needs. 5. Our school organises talks every year on the importance of integrated education and a harmonious campus. 6. Our school arranges teachers to attend courses and workshops about catering for students' diverse learning needs. 7. Our school has implemented adjustments in teaching pedagogy, curriculum, assignments and assessments for students with special educational needs. 8. An individual portfolio and counselling sessions are arranged for each student with special education needs so as to provide them with better support. 9. Differentiated instructions are adopted in different subjects. Pull-out programmes are arranged for students with Special Education Needs in some classes.
(3) Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students : Our school provides additional support for NCS students to facilitate their learning of Chinese: arranging intensive Chinese learning and teaching mode(s), e.g. pull-out learning if necessary, split-class/group learning, etc.; and organising activities to create an inclusive learning environment in the school. 1. NCS students are taught different Chinese syllabi, based on their level of Chinese Language. NCS students can choose to sit different public examinations such as HKDSE, GCSE (Chinese) etc. 2. Tailor-made Chinese Language learning materials. 3. Provide after school enhancement and remedial Chinese classes. 4. Design a Chinese language learning portfolio for NCS students. 5. Chinese learning activities have been held to provide a Chinese language rich environment for NCS students to learn Chinese. 6. Foundation Chinese classes are arranged for newly-arrived NCS.
(4) Measures to Provide Adaptation for Learning and Assessment : Apart from examinations, students' performance during the whole year is assessed. Continuous assessment is adopted.
Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos
(1) Home-School Co-operation : We always stress the importance of Home-school Cooperation in nurturing our children. The Parent-Teacher Association in our school has been established for 31 years. Every year, PTA holds different types of activities and talks, aiming at promoting a nice and warm atmosphere among teachers, parents and students. These activities and talks include 'Family Fun Night', 'Parent-child Day Camp', 'Parent Education Seminars', 'New Senior Secondary Curriculum Seminar', etc.
(2) School Ethos : With the support of parents, the Student Affairs Committee organizes various programmes to develop a caring environment for the students. Programmes are organized to help nurture students with good sense of morality. Our school supports Integrated Education and provides systematic learning and support programmes which help students with special educational needs in utilizing their potentials and achieving all-round development.
Future Development
(1) School Development Plan : A wide range of programmes and activities are launched to explore students' potential and promote self-learning, discipline and the pursuit of excellence. To explore students' potential, "Core Extra-curricular Activities" are launched by different organizations and associations including "Martial Arts Team", "Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps", "Boy Scouts", "Girl Guides", "Dancing Team", "Musical Instrument Class", 'Art Class', etc. F.1 students have to participate in one of the uniform troops and one of the interest groups. All the programmes are free of charge. Regarding teaching and learning, different teaching approaches are adopted to cater for learner diversity. As a whole, we are devoted to unleashing students' potential, providing them with basic knowledge and developing their self-learning skills so that they can equip themselves well when facing challenges.
(2) Teacher Professional Training and Development : "Teachers' Development Days" are held annually. Experts are invited to share teaching beliefs and research results with teachers. Through staff development programmes, teachers can have self-reflection. Also, a collaborative teaching approach and lesson observations are promoted.
Life-wide Learning (Including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be Provided through Key Learning Areas, Extra-curricular Activities, Co-curricular Activities, etc.) : Students are allocated to 4 Houses - Red, Yellow, Blue and White. The Students' Union and over 31 school clubs provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for students, such as Floor Curling, Airsoft Practical Shooting, School Band, etc.
Others : Every year, the school organizes "Cultural Day" and "Cultural Night" to promote multi-cultural understandings among students and to let students learn English in an innovative way, "Study Tour to China" to take Chinese and non-Chinese students to experience the Chinese culture, "Overseas Study Tours" to broaden students' horizons in global contexts. School-based "Careers and Life Planning Activities" provide opportunities for students to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and different requirements in different fields so as to make informed choices. "Lee’s Got Talent" develops students’ potentials. "YPICA Teacher-Student Sports Carnival" and camping activities foster better communication between teachers and students. All these activities create an interactive learning environment to accommodate students’ needs and encourage students to help one another to advance with mutual understanding and commitment.

The school has also re-structured the senior form curriculum and allows students to take Applied Learning Courses or other languages. To enhance effective learning of Chinese, the Chinese Department of the school designs a school-based curriculum for Non-Chinese students to obtain different internationally recognized qualifications in Chinese. Students get excellent results in archery, floor curling, floorball, football, pop bands, dancing, Chinese martial arts, Chinese/English/Putonghua solo verse/prose speaking, English choral speaking and English Film Making Competition.

Students have a strong sense of belonging. They are very contented in the school. Students fully enjoy school activities. They try their best to learn and to strive for excellence so as to contribute to society later. The Principal and teachers dedicate themselves to creating a caring learning environment for students, full of love and mutual support. Parents work hard to better their children’s growth. The school has laid a solid foundation for inclusive education and we look forward to seeing better development of both Chinese and non-Chinese students. Cultural integration is more of a daily practice than just an ideal in our school. Students have a very fulfilling school life in YPICA Lee Lim Ming College. It remains a very treasurable memory throughout their lives.
Direct Public Transportation to School : Buses: 57M, 66M, 66X, 258D, 960, 961, B3A and 50M;
Mini Buses : 44A, 44B;
LRT stations: Ming Kum, Shek Pai or Shan King (North).
Remarks : -
School Map School Map
  • YPICA Lee Lim Ming College
    YPICA Lee Lim Ming College
  • Cultural Day
    Cultural Day
  • English Day
    English Day
  • A day in YPICA Family
    A day in YPICA Family

Last revision date: 5/12/2024