Parents > Parenting Information > RTHK Parenting Programmes > Educated Families

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EDB, CHSC and RTHK5 co-produced a Chinese weekly educational radio programme called 'Educated Families' (家家有教) to promote Home-school Cooperation between 2004 and 2012. Educational issues and policies etc. were discussed and analysed at the Programme. Detail
Date Item
03.03.2009   Head Start for Kids to Language and Literacy
24.02.2009   Police Community Relation
17.02.2009   Web 2.0 and Liberal Studies
10.02.2009   Intercultural Exchanges
03.02.2009   Future challenges to our children: How to excel in a globalized world?
27.01.2009    Awakening Angels Project
20.01.2009   Students Forum -- The System of "Mui Tsai"
13.01.2009   Review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance
06.01.2009   Brain-Based Learning
30.12.2008   UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2009
09.12.2008   eparent Internet School
02.12.2008   National Education
25.11.2008   Sichuen200 Liberal Studies
18.11.2008   The Young Friends of the Hong Kong Arts Festival
11.11.2008   Media Education
28.10.2008   Visit to Sichuen
14.10.2008   Agent Penny
26.08.2008   2007-2008 New Zealand Student Ambassadors Scheme
19.08.2008   Temperament Education
12.08.2008   National Education