Parents > Parenting Information > RTHK Parenting Programmes > Educated Families

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EDB, CHSC and RTHK5 co-produced a Chinese weekly educational radio programme called 'Educated Families' (家家有教) to promote Home-school Cooperation between 2004 and 2012. Educational issues and policies etc. were discussed and analysed at the Programme. Detail
Date Item
17.10.2006   The internal appraisal of private schools
10.10.2006   The internal apprasial of secondary schools
03.10.2006   How to face the internal tests and examination in schools
28.09.2006   The adaptation problem of advancing to University Year One
21.09.2006   The adaptation problem of advancing to higher school after Secondary Three
14.09.2006   Primary children's adaptation problem about being promoted to Secondary School
07.09.2006   Kindergarten children's adaptation problem about being promoted to Primary One
31.08.2006   Get along with others - Independent thinking and respecting others
24.08.2006   Father role on teaching children to do housework
17.08.2006   Money Management
10.08.2006   Meeting challenges from HKCEE
27.07.2006   Having a positive thinking in your life
20.07.2006   Suitable physical exercises
13.07.2006   A balanced diet
06.07.2006   Facing changeable life
29.06.2006   Post Secondary Education
08.06.2006   How to communicate with your children
25.05.2006   A brief account of the Careers Guidance Services provided by EMB to the S.5 & S.7 graduates
18.05.2006   Education Opportunity and Career Prospects for S.7 Graduates
11.05.2006   Education Opportunity and Career Prospects for S.5 Graduates