Parents > Parenting Information > RTHK Parenting Programmes > Educated Families

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EDB, CHSC and RTHK5 co-produced a Chinese weekly educational radio programme called 'Educated Families' (家家有教) to promote Home-school Cooperation between 2004 and 2012. Educational issues and policies etc. were discussed and analysed at the Programme. Detail
Date Item
07.08.2007   Secondary Six Admission Procedure 2007
31.07.2007   HKSAR 10th Anniversary Celebration – China Train Tour
24.07.2007   Prepare yourself for the release of the HKCEE Results (Tips for F.5 students)
17.07.2007   Preparation for Secondary 5 Graduates - Tips for parents
10.07.2007   Central Allocation Day for Primary Six Students
03.07.2007   Careers Guidance Handbook for Secondary 7 Graduates – Facing Adversities
26.06.2007   Learning Celebrations 2007
19.06.2007   How to teach your children when they make mistakes?
12.06.2007   Career Planning
05.06.2007   Energy Efficiency and Conservation
29.05.2007   Yuen Long District Professional Support Pilot Scheme (2006-2007)
22.05.2007   Schools and parents arrangements under the inclement weather conditions
15.05.2007   Appreciation Education
08.05.2007   Rotary-School Partnership: “Adopt A School” Programme
01.05.2007   Selection of School Caterer - Food Trials
24.04.2007   "Who hurt our children?"
17.04.2007   Support World Book Day
10.04.2007   Hong Kong Design Institute
03.04.2007   Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres 2006/07
27.03.2007   The New Zealand Student Ambassador Selection Programme