Parents > Parenting Information > RTHK Parenting Programmes > Educated Families

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EDB, CHSC and RTHK5 co-produced a Chinese weekly educational radio programme called 'Educated Families' (家家有教) to promote Home-school Cooperation between 2004 and 2012. Educational issues and policies etc. were discussed and analysed at the Programme. Detail
Date Item
05.01.2010   Anti-corruption Television Competition
29.12.2009   Sharing and Counselling
15.12.2009   Teaching Resources Award Scheme 2009/10
08.12.2009   Tips for Integrated Education
01.12.2009   Ideas on Sex Education in Hong Kong
24.11.2009   Yuen Long District Arts Committe Treble Choir
17.11.2009   Learning History by Singing
10.11.2009   60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Concert
03.11.2009   Young Astronaut Training Camp
20.10.2009   Anti-Drug Website
13.10.2009   Soul Theatre: Movies and Sharing
29.09.2009   Understanding of the Assessment of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure
22.09.2009   Hong Kong Healthy Children Competition
15.09.2009   2009 Hong Kong ITU Triathlon PREMIUM Asian Cup
08.09.2009   Understanding Vaccination for Children's Health
01.09.2009   Life Education
25.08.2009   Project Chance
18.08.2009   Awarding Ceremony of Cheer Parents on Programme
11.08.2009   Roads for Students After HKCEE
04.08.2009   It’s Show Time